You turned 19 months old a week ago. Please stop. Seriously. I never understood why people talked about their kids growing up so quickly. I mean, the kids were getting older at the same rate the parents were, so what was the big deal?

The big deal is #1, there's a difference between growing up and getting older. And #2, you really do grow up too fast! Sometimes I think my heart could just burst with love when I'm watching you sleep or when you come and give me a kiss. And yet there are others when you are trying my patience like never before and I still love you. Part of it is my job, I guess, as your mother, but it's so awesome to think that you were created specifically for your daddy and me. Just us. And that makes my heart want to burst too.

It's hard to believe you will be 2 in less than 6 months. Currently, you are:
• 32 inches tall
• 26.5 pounds
• going at a speed of Mach 3...everywhere...except on your Power Wheels...which you still seem to be scared of/hate
• cutting the first of your four 2-year molars
• eating everything including crayons, but not (collard) greens -- which I don't cook, but they serve them at Brown's Landing where we frequently eat at on trips to North LA.
• identifying animals and saying the sounds they make. When I picked you up at daycare one day this week, I found out you know more animals than we thought you did -- iguana, yak (which I don't think I could even ID), fox -- as Ms. Vanessa illustrated with the flash cards. So smart!
• starting to say compound words -- Rainwater (ra wa wa), outside (but you pronounce it with an "s" at the beginning), lawnmower (mawnmow), and too many "easier" words to list
• you wave at strangers and flirt with females when we go places. Mr. Personality.
• you can name all the members of our family as well as your teachers and classmates at "school"
A couple of recent funny daycare stories about you:
A few weeks ago, Ms. Vanessa was fixing snacks for the class when she noticed you were not visible. A minute or so later, she found you. Under the table. Eating her lunch. And just today, Daddy picked you up from daycare. Ms. Vanessa was relieved to see him as she said you were "lost" again today. Do you know where they found you? In your classroom's bathroom. Standing in the toilet, splashing around. Yes, son, you are That Kid. And we love you!