Saturday, December 31, 2016


Well, I didn't really get back to blogging in 2016 like I'd hoped. Perhaps 2017 will be a better year. I guess it will have to be since there won't be any other method for me to document sweet little Maggie's first year as well as what is going on with the boys and our family in general. 


2016 was an exciting year for us. We went skiing in February. The boys loved it and they continue to ask us on a regular basis when can we go back. 

DS finished up Kindergarten in May. Mother's Day is in May. And Gran's birthday is in May. But May 2016, in and of itself was an exciting (somewhat surprising) month, as that is when we found out we were having a third child!  About 2 1/2 months later was when we found out that child would be a GIRL!   

During the summer, we went to the beach as we usually do. This year we had Law School Vacay and Another half week with just the 4 of us. Then we went back in September for MiMi's birthday. 



Of course, we had other birthdays that we celebrated during the year, including the arrival of Mae Roberts McGehee in August!  And a number of holidays as well. Drew turned 3 at the beginning of the year and DS turned 7 just before Thanksgiving. Holidays and time with family were celebrated. But I think most of the year was spent anxiously and impatiently awaiting the arrival of Baby Sister, Maggie. 


Here's to an amazing 2017 for the Rainwater Tribe...

Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Little Surprise...

We're having a baby!  I am presently 20 weeks pregnant with a baby...GIRL!  She is expected to make her debut in late January. 

The surprise of getting pregnant and then finding out it's a girl has finally worn off. For the most part. On most days. A girl!  That part is still hard to fathom since it's been rough and tumble, blues and greens, trucks, superheroes, and legos for almost seven years around our house. 

A girl. She already has her daddy and her big brothers totally whipped. And she's not even here yet. Scotty told the boys, "Get used to it guys, this baby is going to get everything she wants." And I'm there saying, "Ummm, no!"  But I know where he's coming from. Because if either of the boys come to me with good manners and kisses and hugs  -- even if all they want is to share my seat -- they will get whatever they want. Most of the time. And I was a Daddy's Girl myself and could pretty much get whatever I wanted from my Dad, so I totally understand that dynamic. 

A girl. Someone to hang out with when the boys are golfing. Getting our nails done, maybe a little mother/daughter shopping when she's older. A friend. Someone to take care of her ailing parents in their golden years. Assuming she lives close by and doesn't move 2 1/2 hours away (sorry, Mama!). 

A girl. Lots of pinks and purples. Bows and dresses. Barbies and baby dolls and and toys with fixable hair. But maybe she'll also like football and sports. And not have to have different accessories for every outfit. 

A girl. Lots of feelings and emotions. And drama. Oh, wait a sec...that won't be new. Drew and David Scott (who are both SO excited to be getting a baby sister) can both be super dramatic when playing games that don't go their way. Or if they have to do something they really don't want to do. Attitude City. 

A girl. A nice change of pace. Helping to even up the massive amount of testosterone in this household. The Caboose. The baby.  The one  I wasn't even expecting...until I was.  

A girl...our daughter...MAGGIE. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Drew...An Update!

Our little crackerjack, Drew, is presently 3.5 years old. I can't believe my little Butterbean will be 4 in January!  Time seems to be flying by even more quickly the bigger these boys get. Drew is presently 3'4" tall and weighs 36.5 pounds. 

Drew is still attending preschool at daycare but he'll start Pre-K in about a year. He loves playing with his big brother and is happiest snuggled up next to his Mama holding Blue Blanket and Jesus (his stuffed Husky). Drew has been potty-trained since last summer but still has accidents if he doesn't potty before bed. We are usually very good at reminding him but sometimes it gets forgotten. 

This boy can almost count to twenty and is learning his letters. He likes working on puzzles and building things with blocks/Legos. Drew took swimming lessons for the first time in the spring and he took to it like a fish to water...literally. For just three years old, his swimming is really good. He'll even swim to the bottom of the deep end to retrieve diving sticks!  It's really crazy!  He also likes playing golf but isn't using real clubs just yet. 

Drew is rough and tumble. He is all boy but is still obsessed with Mama. I figure I only have a few more years before I'm totally uncool to him so I'll enjoy it while it lasts. He can be so sweet...when he wants to be; but he'll just as soon punch you in the gut to get your attention. He typically does what HE wants to on HIS timeline but is getting more compliant as he gets older. He loves music, specifically Michael Jackson. Drew-Bug still likes to tell us that he loves us "a hundred million and most."  It's so cute. Time needs to slow down just a tad, though. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

David Scott...An Update!

David Scott, our sweet, emotional, firstborn will turn 7 years old in November. So as of today, he's 6 and 3/4, but who's counting?!?).  I have no idea how this child has turned into a big kid overnight, but it has happened so we are rolling with it!  

Last year, this boy was in Kindergarten and he learned so much. He's started to read, can do math problems, loves to problem-solve and play games. But mostly, the kid loves to do art. Drawing, coloring, painting, using crayons, color pencils, markers, or pens, he is happy when he is creating a DS-original masterpiece. And even though he is the firstborn (and typically, we firstborn a aren't that creative), he is the exception to this rule. He is still so polite and kind to everyone and really wants to be helpful which is going to serve him well in life.

DS is athletic and loves playing any sport -- dodgeball, softball/baseball (in the yard), swimming (he is a fish), karate, soccer, loves them all. His most favorite sport to play, though, is golf...specifically, he loves to play golf with Daddy. He made his first legitimate par (and a par 3 at that!) just a few weeks ago. 

David Scott relishes the role of being Drew's big brother and will occasionally take his title a tad too far. I don't know WHERE he gets that from. But this sweetheart still has the kindest heart, still loves to snuggle with us, and is looking forward to seeing what fun First Grade has in store for him. 

Today, David Scott weighs 46.5 pounds and is 3'9" tall. He's lost two teeth on the bottom but has a couple that are a little loose. I am totally not ready for my Lovebug to have big, awkward teeth, but that's just part of it, I guess. He'll still be adorable to us...and to the girls in his class, apparently, as they have always tried to kiss him. :)  When David Scott grows up, he wants to be a paleontologist, live at the beach in college, and live wherever he can ski after that. He fell in love with skiing after we went to Park City, UT earlier in the year.  He was a natural, as he seems to be at so many other things that just seem to be so effortless for him. He rocks and I'm so glad that he is ours!  

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Surprise!  Back from my hiatus, I am making a return to the blogging world. We've had numerous birthday celebrations, holidays, visits with friends and family, a few vacations, and I will try to go back and document most of that. I love my little blog books that I've made over the various years of blogging and the only way for me to continue to have those is to start blogging again!  So, for now, I'll leave with a more recent pic of my babies...who are no longer babies but are both big boys now...David Scott is 6 1/2 and Drew is 3!