You are such a mess. You can be high maintenance at times (i.e. if you are hungry, tired, or just want your Mama), otherwise, you're pretty content -- especially in the morning. I certainly can't complain. Or not that much anyway as you do your fair share of spitting up all over me and you pull my hair every day even when it's pulled up, you find a way. But when you are happy, you are one happy boy -- cooing and laughing, especially if your big brother is nearby. You two were playing with one another so sweetly just a little earlier this evening. Without further ado, my boy, you are currently:
- 17.5 pounds
- 24.5 inches
- wearing size 6-9 month clothes
- wearing size 3 diapers
- sitting up, and you do pretty good but can be unsteady at times so we keep the area around you pretty padded to avoid any issues with you tumping over (side note: is "tumping over" a real phrase?)
- cutting your two bottom teeth; they've broken the surface
- eating baby food in addition to now being totally on formula. And BTW, you haven't met a baby food flavor you haven't liked. I hope you are a good eater like David Scott.
- trying to crawl. And making progress. You'll be crawling before we know it!
You are such a joy to us (even when you're screaming/crying), and I always try to remember that you're only a baby this one time. Even if I have to get up with you in the middle of the night, I try and cherish that time. I love you, my little Lovebug.