Sweet Baby Boy. My Love. Drewsky. Drew-Bear. Drew-Baby. So many names for my Littlest LoveBug. Here are your stats at a year old:
• 23 pounds
• 30 inches tall
• wearing size 3 diapers
• wearing 12/18-month sized clothes
• wearing 3.5 size shoes
• eating only adult food
• taking a few steps here and there and getting more comfortable
• 8 teeth -- 4 each on top and bottom
• still an excellent sleeper -- not a great napper, but I'll take that trade-off
• saying several words -- Mama, Dada, this, bye, hey. Watching you say David Scott's name is cute -- it's completely indistinguishable -- but you certainly know who you're talking to/about.
You are loud, and raucous, and all boy. You love to eat, and I think you would absolutely snack all day if we'd let you. You love me. The most. DS would be a close second, though. And you like to be held. A lot. By me. Only me. But I'm ok with it. While you and DS will always be "my babies," you won't always be babies in the literal sense of the word. So I try not to rush things and just let you do things on your own pace which we've learned is very much your style -- when you're ready, that's when you'll do whatever it is we've been trying to help you do (ie walking -- you've been cruising on furniture and such for 2 months!). But it's coming! Much like so many other milestones in life. You are such a smart and determined little boy. These two things -- along with your cute dimple and beautiful eyes -- will take you far in life. We love you so much and are so thankful that you are ours. Happy Birthday, Baby Drew!