Friday, January 31, 2014

Drew Turns One...

Baby Drew turned a year old on January 9th. We celebrated with a small family gathering (and a few close fiends) at the house the following weekend. It is I fathomable to me how quickly this past year has flown by. At some point, I know that we will have to start calling him "Drew" and not "Baby Drew," but he's still a baby!  Even if he is walking (some) and eating only adult food!  And in the next month or two, he will be moving to the toddler class at daycare...just blows my mind. 

Sweet Baby Boy. My Love. Drewsky. Drew-Bear. Drew-Baby. So many names for my Littlest LoveBug.  Here are your stats at a year old:
• 23 pounds
• 30 inches tall
• wearing size 3 diapers
• wearing 12/18-month sized clothes
• wearing 3.5 size shoes
• eating only adult food
• taking a few steps here and there and getting more comfortable
• 8 teeth -- 4 each on top and bottom
• still an excellent sleeper -- not a great napper, but I'll take that trade-off
• saying several words -- Mama, Dada, this, bye, hey. Watching you say David Scott's name is cute -- it's completely indistinguishable -- but you certainly know who you're talking to/about. 

You are loud, and raucous, and all boy. You love to eat, and I think you would absolutely snack all day if we'd let you. You love me. The most. DS would be a close second, though. And you like to be held. A lot. By me. Only me. But I'm ok with it. While you and DS will always be "my babies," you won't always be babies in the literal sense of the word. So I try not to rush things and just let you do things on your own pace which we've learned is very much your style -- when you're ready, that's when you'll do whatever it is we've been trying to help you do (ie walking -- you've been cruising on furniture and such for 2 months!). But it's coming!  Much like so many other milestones in life. You are such a smart and determined little boy.  These two things -- along with your cute dimple and beautiful eyes -- will take you far in life. We love you so much and are so thankful that you are ours. Happy Birthday, Baby Drew!
