Saturday, November 1, 2014

Big School...

It's official, David Scott is in real school as of mid-August. And although it's pre-k due to his November birthday, it still counts. We'd been working him up to meeting new friends, having new teachers, and experiencing new adventures and learning new things. He's spent a little time in his new class with his teacher, so I'd already had a preview of how well things would go.  And the day was successful!  

David Scott was so excited, he was singing...
Even little brother was excited.

He sat right down and started coloring, which made this Mama so happy. There were no tears by anyone...although my eyes welled up a little as I was leaving him at school...the tears never actually escaped my eyes, so that counts!

Since then, I've "volunteered" to be the class room mom and have had a number of interactions with DS and his class. One day, I even got to have lunch with my big boy which his teacher posted a pic of on their class Instagram page:

We had our first parent-teacher conference a few weeks back and it went pretty good. His teacher said he's adjusted well to their class and seems to like all the activities/enrichment classes they have -- Spanish, music, PE, religion, and art. And he's made so many new friends which we hear about all the time. Overall, we could not be happier with the whole experience so far and are so proud of our sweet boy with how well he's doing in Big School.