Monday, December 25, 2017

11 Months...

Maggie, Maggie Moo, Margaret, Baby Love, Girlfriend, Sister, Little Sister, Baby Girl...we have so many things we call you, it's amazing that you even know your name.  But you do!  You've known it for a while now!  At eleven months, you are all over the place...trying to crawl up the steps, rushing from one room to the next, cruising on the furniture, pulling open drawers, talking!  You may even talk more than your brothers did!  I didn't think it was possible...but you just may!

At this point, you are:
  • 17.5 pounds
  • 28" long
  • wearing size 6 month clothes, but a few 9 month shirts
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • wearing size 2 shoes (but only Keds b/c other size 2s are too big...go figure)
  • eating more (mainly) real food than baby food...and we went ahead and transitioned you to whole milk over the Christmas holidays!  Just a little early, but you did great!


Ummm...why would you put this up?  Now I can't climb...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

First Snow...

It snowed in Baton Rouge overnight and during the day on December 8th!  It was everyone's first time to see snow here as I think we were out of town the one time I remember it snowing since we've lived down here.  The kids had the best time.  Scotty was out of town and was itching to get back home. We were eager for him to get back too as we didn't want him to miss out on the fun.  It was a fun experience for the kids.  And as I am typing up this post (1/15/18), the forecast is for a really, really low temps the next two days along with some sort of precipitation (SNOW, PLEASE!!!).  But here are a few pics from the first and last snow of 2017.
Looking outside...LOVE her!

Our house...covered in snow...and looking magical

Not prepared clothing-wise for this event...


Found the ski clothes and commenced making snow angels!

Waiting on Daddy!

He made it!  Watch out!

Snowman #2

Saturday, November 25, 2017

10 Months...

Maggie is a mover and a shaker!  That girl is so fast and is just moving at the speed of lightning sometimes!  She loves being tickled and can say several words:  Dada, Mama, bye, ball.  She's started pulling up on stuff...she may even be walking before she turns 1!  This girl wears me out!  She is constantly on the go, still isn't napping much for us, but she does sleep pretty good at night.  I forgot to note that she's been sleeping through the night for a couple months now.  Those first 6 months were HARD...the last 4 have been much better.  Poor little love, she must have been in so much pain with the acid reflux for her personality to have been hidden behind all the screaming/crying/fussing.  She is so much happier now that the acid reflux is gone.  My little Baby Love:

Maggie is:
  • 17 pounds
  • 27.5" long
  • wearing size 6 month clothes
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • eating a lot of real foods (spaghetti, mashed/sweet potatoes, ground beef, soup)

Standing up...WHAT?


Ashleigh (and Brad) are expecting their first baby in early January, so us girls went to her baby shower in Shreveport back in October.  The boys stayed home.  Then about three weeks later, Rachel and I hosted a baby family/friends shower for our SIL and our sweet baby niece (WILL THEY PLEASE NAME HER SO WE CAN GET STUFF MONOGRAMMED?!?) in Ruston.

M&Ms...Maggie and Mae...sweet cousins in sweet matching outfits
Sleeping on Gran!  Baby showers wear her out!

All the Anders girls

Sunday, October 1, 2017

9 Months...

Nine months ago, we were welcoming our caboose into this world...and today...she is all over the place!  

Maggie got christened this month!  She was very good throughout the service and didn't cry or scream at all...winner!  Unlike her "official" 9 Month picture...

As of October 25th, Maggie is:
  • 15 pounds
  • 26.5" long
  • wearing size 6 month clothing
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • wearing whatever shoes fit...have outgrown the Keds but found another pair like the newborn crib shoes...she's in a 1 for those!

Lee and Kasie got married in Monroe the last weekend in October!  It was a beautiful ceremony and all but Maggie were in the wedding.  We are excited to have Kasie as an official part of the family and are excited to see what the future brings for them...hopefully lots of cousins for our crew. :)
A vineyard outside Monroe...NOT Italy...
Love these two!

And this one!  Mr. Personality!

Love this pic of everyone!

Halloween was super fun for the kiddos and we went to a Halloween party the week before actual Halloween.  The kids had a great time at the party and trick-or-treating on the big night.
Cute Trio...Ninja, Darth "Dark" Vader, and Strawberry
Strawbaby as DS used to say

Saturday, September 30, 2017

First Days of School...

In August, school started back!  David Scott is now in 2nd Grade and Drew is in Pre-K.  DS started on August 16th and Drew started two days later on the 18th.  We love their teachers (Drew even has Mrs. Giles...the same teacher DS had in Pre-K).  A few weeks after school started, we even got their school pics in and had a fun Pajama Day one week! 

I love their friendship and love for one another. 

A "2" for 2nd Grade...


Excitement for Pajama Day!

Monday, September 25, 2017

8 Months...

8 Months...Where has the time gone?!?  I know where it's gone...sleepless nights, drop-offs, pick-ups, various activities during the week and on the weekend, work, playing, washing clothes, laughing, and too many other things to name every one of them out.

Maggie is officially a crawler!  She literally went from scooting around to crawling in just a matter of weeks!  I know the rest of this first year is going to fly by even more now that we have movement out of this baby girl!  

Maggie, you are:
  • 15 pounds
  • 26.5" long 
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • wearing more size 6 month clothes...but still in a few that are 3-6 and just 3 months!

Additionally, we went to the first LSU game of the season...Maggie's first ever...and we made it to half-time!  We both figured we'd be leaving by the end of Q1 but we go to see  TWICE that much action!

Cutest Saints fan!

Loves bathtime...and dinosaurs!

Future pianist

Friday, August 25, 2017

7 Months...

Little Maggie Moo Moo, hopping through the forest, scooping up the field mice, and bopping them on the head...  Maggie loves when I sing this little ditty to her...original words were changed, of course.

Our girl has cut her bottom two teeth!  She's scooting around on her belly...she will be crawling soon...sooner than the boys, I think!  This girl does not want to miss out on anything.  She still won't take a good nap for us...but she will take a 2-hour nap every day after lunch at Daycare.  I'm open to explanations as to why, but my suspicion is that she's so totally exhausted from playing all morning that she just passes out at the first opportunity.  She usually takes a little catnap on the way home in the afternoons too.  Still Queen of the Catnap, that one...
Caught her mid-scoot

AND...her first word...officially, I in DaDa...Daddy...Daddy's Little Girl...

Monthly stats are:
  • 16 pounds
  • 26" long
  • wearing a Size 3 diaper
  • wearing stome 6 month outfits...but still mainly in 3 month clothing
  • wearing Size 1 Keds b/c her feet finally outgrew the newborn shoes she's been wearing for months!
    Playing with Hulk Hands...

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer 2017...

It wouldn't be the summer without a trip to the beach...whether it's a quick trip or a longer one, beach time is the best time!  This  year was no exception.  It was Maggie's first trip to the beach and our first time being outnumbered at the beach as we usually have a much higher adult-to-kids ratio with MiMi, Mamaw, and usually Uncle Lee there too.  But this summer, it was just our Party of Five.  And we had so much fun!  Several trips to the arcade, numerous rounds of putt-putt golf, walks on the beach, playing in the sand, building sandcastles, and going out to eat at 5:00 most evenings!  The boys have always loved the beach, and luckily for her, their little sister did too!

Putt-Putt fun!
Dad had the best score...shocker...

So.  Much.  Stuff.

The boys never noticed the water wasn't great...they enjoyed it anyway!

Looking SO big in this pic!

Mama and Drew-bug

D-Sco and Daddy

The Princess and Mama

Saturday, July 29, 2017

6 Months...

Maggie is just growing so much!  Little by little in height and weight, but she's getting way more interactive with all of us, making baby sounds, she's sitting up great all by herself, will be cutting teeth soon...I just know those bottom teeth are going to break the surface any day now!  We've also transitioned to formula, just like the boys did at 6 months old also.  I'm proud of sticking with it for that amount of time with each baby; it is not easy and there were lots of blood, sweat, and tears shed by both baby and mama...but we all survived it!

That hair...the flip...the volume...LOVE IT!
This baby girl is so fun to watch.  Her expressions are awesome -- she smiles with her whole face and I just love that!  She loves her brothers and her face just lights up when she sees them.  They love her too.  The love this little trio has for one another makes my heart explode when I see them playing.  And the boys are such big helpers with her too -- getting diapers, holding her, searching for a paci.  I'm not sure what I did to deserve all that He has given me...but I'm certainly treasuring this stage of life...or at least trying to in between folding mountains of clothes.  :)

This month, Maggie is:

  • 13.5 pounds
  • 26" long
  • wearing size 3 month clothing...still
  • wearing size 2 diapers
  • wearing newborn-sized shoes...but she'll be out of these soon...I think...

Our little Maggie Moo has improved so much with her acid reflux that we will be getting off her meds very soon!  Looking forward to visits with friends and a beach trip coming up!