Maggie is just growing so much! Little by little in height and weight, but she's getting way more interactive with all of us, making baby sounds, she's sitting up great all by herself, will be cutting teeth soon...I just know those bottom teeth are going to break the surface any day now! We've also transitioned to formula, just like the boys did at 6 months old also. I'm proud of sticking with it for that amount of time with each baby; it is not easy and there were lots of blood, sweat, and tears shed by both baby and mama...but we all survived it!
That hair...the flip...the volume...LOVE IT! |
This baby girl is so fun to watch. Her expressions are awesome -- she smiles with her whole face and I just love that! She loves her brothers and her face just lights up when she sees them. They love her too. The love this little trio has for one another makes my heart explode when I see them playing. And the boys are such big helpers with her too -- getting diapers, holding her, searching for a paci. I'm not sure what I did to deserve all that He has given me...but I'm certainly treasuring this stage of life...or at least trying to in between folding mountains of clothes. :)
This month, Maggie is:
- 13.5 pounds
- 26" long
- wearing size 3 month clothing...still
- wearing size 2 diapers
- wearing newborn-sized shoes...but she'll be out of these soon...I think...
Our little Maggie Moo has improved so much with her acid reflux that we will be getting off her meds very soon! Looking forward to visits with friends and a beach trip coming up!