Saturday, March 25, 2017

2 Months...

 Maggie Lee,
You've grown just a little bit in the last month!  Your little personality is starting to shine through and I think you might be a little bit stubborn.  I can't imagine where you get that trait from...  A few things you like are nursing, being held by me, and NOT taking naps.  You are the Queen of the Catnaps!  You've slept through the night a few times and I thought for a hot minute you would be my earliest and best sleeper, but that has turned out to not be the case as you still wake up once or twice a night.  I can't really complain about that though as you are really good at going right back to sleep after you get full.  A girl needs her beauty rest...only at night, though, apparently!

A very exciting thing happened between month one and this month:  There's been an outbreak of Chicken Pox at daycare, so my return to work has been delayed so I can stay home with you a little longer to keep you away from infected kids!  I'm looking forward to spending this unexpected time off with you since I went back to work after 8 weeks at home with David Scott and Drew.  You're pretty good about going places as we are frequently out running errands, dropping off or picking up your brothers from school/daycare.  You especially love going with me to the karate studio for my personal training sessions as you usually either take a much needed nap or just sit there, quietly looking around.  We did have one sad, notable event -- Big Scott passed away.  Although you kids weren't close to Big Scott, the boys knew who he was and the boys had even met him a few times.  After years of fighting liver failure, his body could no longer take the abuse and he passed away a few days before you turned 2 months old.  You and your brothers were so sweet and well-behaved during the funeral and time surrounding that.  It really helped Daddy knowing he had his little tribe loving on him during this time.

From a milestone standpoint, you have rolled over from your belly to your back one time which I thought was rather impressive for such a young age.  However, I guess you are a really strong baby as people frequently comment on how strong you are and how great your head control is.  And they're right -- you are strong.  You're also kind, beautiful, smart, considerate, and respectful.  Well, maybe you're not all of these things today; but you will be!  Right now, you're still just a little baby who makes little baby sounds.  When we went for your two-month well baby check-up, here's how you measured up:
  • Weight:  10 lbs, 8 oz
  • Height:  22 inches
You are a petite little doll and are now in Size 1 diapers...but you're still wearing size Newborn clothes. You are still taking your Zantac for the acid reflux, and it seems to have made a huge difference in your life as well as ours since you aren't crying all the time anymore -- yay!  I love the sweet, gummy smiles you give me, and the way you look into my eyes.  I feel like you just know me and I just know you without either one of us even doing or saying anything.  But I guess that's how we were made with that parent/child bond.  I hope it always feels that way.  I'll try to remember this during your teenage years. 

Not looking petite with all those chins...