Saturday, September 30, 2017

First Days of School...

In August, school started back!  David Scott is now in 2nd Grade and Drew is in Pre-K.  DS started on August 16th and Drew started two days later on the 18th.  We love their teachers (Drew even has Mrs. Giles...the same teacher DS had in Pre-K).  A few weeks after school started, we even got their school pics in and had a fun Pajama Day one week! 

I love their friendship and love for one another. 

A "2" for 2nd Grade...


Excitement for Pajama Day!

Monday, September 25, 2017

8 Months...

8 Months...Where has the time gone?!?  I know where it's gone...sleepless nights, drop-offs, pick-ups, various activities during the week and on the weekend, work, playing, washing clothes, laughing, and too many other things to name every one of them out.

Maggie is officially a crawler!  She literally went from scooting around to crawling in just a matter of weeks!  I know the rest of this first year is going to fly by even more now that we have movement out of this baby girl!  

Maggie, you are:
  • 15 pounds
  • 26.5" long 
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • wearing more size 6 month clothes...but still in a few that are 3-6 and just 3 months!

Additionally, we went to the first LSU game of the season...Maggie's first ever...and we made it to half-time!  We both figured we'd be leaving by the end of Q1 but we go to see  TWICE that much action!

Cutest Saints fan!

Loves bathtime...and dinosaurs!

Future pianist