Monday, December 25, 2017

11 Months...

Maggie, Maggie Moo, Margaret, Baby Love, Girlfriend, Sister, Little Sister, Baby Girl...we have so many things we call you, it's amazing that you even know your name.  But you do!  You've known it for a while now!  At eleven months, you are all over the place...trying to crawl up the steps, rushing from one room to the next, cruising on the furniture, pulling open drawers, talking!  You may even talk more than your brothers did!  I didn't think it was possible...but you just may!

At this point, you are:
  • 17.5 pounds
  • 28" long
  • wearing size 6 month clothes, but a few 9 month shirts
  • wearing size 3 diapers
  • wearing size 2 shoes (but only Keds b/c other size 2s are too big...go figure)
  • eating more (mainly) real food than baby food...and we went ahead and transitioned you to whole milk over the Christmas holidays!  Just a little early, but you did great!


Ummm...why would you put this up?  Now I can't climb...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

First Snow...

It snowed in Baton Rouge overnight and during the day on December 8th!  It was everyone's first time to see snow here as I think we were out of town the one time I remember it snowing since we've lived down here.  The kids had the best time.  Scotty was out of town and was itching to get back home. We were eager for him to get back too as we didn't want him to miss out on the fun.  It was a fun experience for the kids.  And as I am typing up this post (1/15/18), the forecast is for a really, really low temps the next two days along with some sort of precipitation (SNOW, PLEASE!!!).  But here are a few pics from the first and last snow of 2017.
Looking outside...LOVE her!

Our house...covered in snow...and looking magical

Not prepared clothing-wise for this event...


Found the ski clothes and commenced making snow angels!

Waiting on Daddy!

He made it!  Watch out!

Snowman #2