Monday, January 15, 2018

Family Pics...

We had family pics made back in the fall...I love Heather Banker as she has been doing pics of the kids since DS was two!  She always gets great shots out of them.  Here are my faves from September...

Maggie was the only one dressed weather-appropriate.  The rest of us were sweating.
My girl

My boys

My Tribe...


David Scott turns 8...

My Firstborn,

Eight years...another 4 and you'll be way too cool for us...another 8 and we'll never see you because you'll have a driver's license...and two more after that and you'll be heading off to college.  Gosh!  How did you get so big so fast, my Love Bug?!? 

Weren't you just 6 months old?!?

You're so smart and are doing great in school.  You're a great friend to everyone and are not afraid to tell someone if they're not being kind to another schoolmate.  You're a phenomenal big brother to Drew and Maggie who both look up to you and love you very much.  Your coordination and athleticism is kind of crazy good as are your piano/music skills!  You are such a willing helper all of the time whether it's me asking, or Daddy, or one of your teachers.  You love to learn...I pray this thirst is never quenched and that you always strive to learn more.  No one knows more about dinosaurs than you.  You have a kind heart; it will probably get broken and you will do your own share of breaking hearts as you get older.  But don't let that stop you from putting yourself out there in love and life.  You're so independent and responsible...but you like to have fun too...a great balance!

I have no doubt that you will be a great success at whatever path you choose.  When you make your mind up about something, you do it, whether it's finishing building the 4,000+ piece Death Star in time for you to take it to school for your week as your class' Star Student, or learning to ride your bike without training wheels at 5 1/2 years old.  I see so much of Daddy's determination in you.  But I also see the same frustration that I had growing up.  Just push through it.  Persevere.  Even in your failures, you will learn something.  Even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.  Lessons in life are everywhere if you look hard enough. 

My love for you runs deeper than any shark can swim.  And it's faster than any Dromiceiomimus can run (look it up).  It's more fierce than any ninja warrior.  It's sweeter than any batch of Gran's rice krispy treats.  And it will last long after I'm gone.  I have had the privilege of being your Mama for over 8 years now, about 20% of my life since you're a math whiz.  And I cannot wait to see what great things you accomplish, and the amazing records you break, and the near-wins, and the lessons learned from successes and defeats...because you will have both.  And I will be there.  To celebrate with you, to cheer you on, and to pick you up and carry you if you need it.  Because I am your Mama...and that's what I do.  You are my sunshine..

Area51 after school with Dad/Pizza/Sleepover party...everyone went home by 10:30...ha!

He chose this Star Wars lego set with birthday money from Gran and Papa!

The Death Star (lego kit from MiMi, Mamaw, and his parents)...he did it all by himself with very little help from us. 
Truth be told, we wanted in on the action; he didn't need us at all!

Christmas 2017...

We spent Thanksgiving at home with just the 5 of us.  It was nice, but kind of quiet.  Or as quiet as it can be with three young nix the quiet part.  It was...simple and easy.  Then the hustle and bustle of Christmas started.  Christmas parties for work and school, making lists and checking them twice, and then making sure I had each day accounted for with childcare for the boys since they would be out of school for nearly three weeks! 

In early December, we took the kids to ride on the Polar Express in New Orleans.  It was "so much fun!" according to the two of them.  We enjoyed their wonderment and spirit.  :)

Christmas.  It's the most wonderful time of the year.  The kids are usually pretty well-behaved so as to avoid being on Santa's Naughty List.  And after Santa came this year, they commented that they must have been really good!  DS wanted an Xbox and Drew wanted a Star Wars Death Star blanket.  A blanket.  Bless this sweet child of mine who only wants A BLANKET for Christmas!  I'm not sure what Maggie wanted since she can't tell us in verbal or written form just yet, but maybe next year she'll be more vocal about something her heart desires.  

"Maggie, no!  No, Maggie!"

At any rate, Christmas with kids gets more and more fun each year.  Every year I think to myself, "This is the perfect age!"  And then the next year is better.  And I know at some point it will no longer top the year before, but I really want that time to be a LONG way away!  I truly LOVE the awe and love and excitement the kids have for Jesus, Santa, Clarke the Elf, and all things associated with Christmas at the ages they are now.

We had Christmas with the Anders side at Rachel's house since Ashleigh was so close to her due date.

Love this pic!
Then we came back home for Mamaw, MiMi, Lee, and Kasie to come down.  The usual festivities began -- cookies, movies, eating -- the BEST part of Christmas are the traditions both old and new.

Lee won...again.

Drew:  NOW can we open presents?!?

Maggie loves her little activity table.

Thor costume...tied with his blanket for favorite gift!
Christmas always comes too quickly, then it passes just as fast and the holidays are over before you know it.  But this year, we got a delayed Christmas present.  Lillian Ruth Anders made her grand debut about a week early on December 30th just after lunch.  So Maggie and I hightailed it up so we could see her.  Maggie totally didn't understand about being gentle with the baby, but she still gave her a sweet kiss on the head when we left to come back home the next morning.  Sweet Lily Roo, we love you and can't wait to watch you grow up with this rowdy crew!

Proud aunts with our niece!

Maggie and her baby cousin, Lily

Lily looks a little (or  A LOT) like her daddy!