Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lazy Weekends...

Well, we tried celebrating New Year's Eve with friends. However DS evidently had other plans as he refused to go to bed at Carroll and Melissa's. He usually goes to bed between 7:30 and 8, but he was still awake and kicking at 9:30. After the adults ate in the company of David Scott, of course, Scotty and I decided we should head on home. DS didn't slept for about 10 minutes in the car and then went right to sleep once we got home. Scotty and I weren't too far behind him; Grandma and Grandpa did not stay awake to see the arrival of the New Year.

We ran a few errands in preparation for our ski trip on Saturday. And then on Sunday, we got a babysitter for David Scott while Scotty and I went to the Saints game.

Now for this weekend, we watched LSU (on the big screen -- that clarification was for Scotty and Dusty, both of whom I know religiously read the blog) on Friday night. Saturday was spent running a couple of errands and entertaining Lee and his lady friend who came over for the Saints game (puke). Good food, good company, bad performance.

Today the weather's been rather unsavory. We didn't realize to what extent til we'd already gotten out in it. Mental Note: Start checking the weather every single day. A quick lunch, a few more stops, and we were back home for a lazy Sunday spent watching the Bourne trilogy, and playing with David Scott. We've read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" no less than 1,372 times this weekend. Scotty and I both have the book memorized and DS can say "Brown Bear" and "purple" (which is the color of a cat if you've never read the book). It's a page-turner, I tell ya! Anyway, despite the yucky weather, we've enjoyed our family time -- which we always do.

We're so excited about our upcoming ski trip. We had such fun with the McLemores last go round and I know it'll be even better this time since we have the little man and Sue Sue going too. It's not getting here quickly enough -- isn't that how it always is... On the other hand, DS will be 14 months old in another week. Where does the time go???

Pumping iron to get ready for the rigors of skiing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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