You are now 16 months old! It seems like just yesterday you were a tiny blob of baby in our arms. And now you are a walking, talking, jumping, climbing little person. Precious boy, you are currently:
• 31 inches tall
• 25 lbs
• able to dunk a basketball on your mini-goal and more importantly, hit/make contact with a golf ball
• walking or running everywhere
• seeing what you can get away with -- from standing in chairs, to climbing on tables, you are a little monkey
• learning so many new things. Just Friday night, we were at Outback. You were babbling somewhat and the waitress asked if you were singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." OF COURSE you were. How could we not hear that tune in your voice?!? You were even swaying back and forth. When we starting singing it with you, you seemed kind of amazed that we knew that song. I wonder what else you know that we don't know you know???
• still loving Lola, or Wowa as you call her. I also just caught you loving your tiger so I had to insert this pic:

• saying so many words: Mama, Dada, Lola, ball, look, book, hey, bye-bye (with a coordinating wave), milk (mi), more (muh), puffs (pu), bubbles (your favorite!), out (being outside runs a close second to bubbles), yum, woof-woof, dog, duck, Papa, Papaw, Bud Bud.
• identifying many body parts on yourself and us: nose, mouth, eyes, ears, head, belly, foot. You also know that your socks and shoes go on your feet.
• wearing 12-18 and 18-month clothes; size 6 shoes
• wearing a size 4 diaper
• back to sleeping through the night after a few colds/allergies/teething had you out of whack
• one (bottom) tooth shy of having a mouth full of teeth. I'm sure it won't be too long, though b/c the one on the other side just made an appearance a few weeks back.
• eating everything you are given, including the bite of oatmeal cream pie that your daddy let's you have -- yuck, but he's taught you to say, "yum!" as you're eating it, which is cute.
• sporting your first real wound (as of today). You fell at daycare this morning and cut the area above your lip. Fortunately you didn't need stitches but Dr. Kelleher wanted to butterfly it, so of course we let her:

Getting you from daycare and to the doctor today was an adventure. Because Daddy backed into something weekend before last and HAD to put the truck in the shop to be fixed at the beginning of this week rather than the end when he wouldn't need a vehicle, I was left without a vehicle. So when they called me from daycare this morning, I nearly freaked out b/c Daddy was out of town for the day for work. Luckily, I was able to borrow a vehicle from one of my coworkers (who has a car seat in her car for her granddaughter) so I could quickly come assess the damage. We still ended up at the pediatrician's office. And of course, despite our best efforts, you still removed the butterfly from your face at some point during the day. But it looks much better this evening than it did right after. You were such a trooper and didn't even cry.
Those are all of the happenings with you right now. You love being outside even if you're sitting still, which rarely happens. You especially love riding in your wagon outside (thanks Gran and Papa) and have just figured out that you can climb up and slide down the slide all by yourself. Big boy! Makes me sad...and goes life, I guess.
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