As a result of the fever that wouldn't go away, and the rain which was doing the same, we had a movie marathon and a lunch of sandwiches/chips and dip. DS was eating on a chip -- which he's had many times-- as I got his grilled cheese sandwich ready. All of a sudden, DS starts coughing, and I can visibly see that he's struggling. I jump the three steps we were separated by and Scotty comes from the couch and we're hitting him on the back and doing a semi-heimlich maneuver on him to get the chip (glob) dislodged -- I know it was a chip glob b/c I know how DS eats and the kid shovels food into his mouth. When finally -- what seemed like forever but was maybe 3 seconds later -- the chip glob became dislodged and went down the correct path and DS could breathe. It scared us all, and the baby was crying, and just a very scary experience overall. The rest of the hearty meal was uneventful, fortunately.
Because Patrick's tournament was cancelled due to weather, Gran and Papa came on to Casa Rainwater earlier than anticipated. And although he hadn't had much of a nap and was still running fever, DS was in a decent mood...especially considering the sleep-disturbed nights we'd had both of the two previous nights. He wasn't in good enough spirits, however, to go out to eat; we ordered Outback to-go.
The fever finally broke sometime
Saturday night. Gran and Papa left early Sunday morning, and Scotty went to play golf, so DS and I ate a quick lunch and went on a few errands. Our last stop before heading home was for ice cream in honor of what would've been the 60th birthday of my daddy, DS' Bud Bud. The little munchkin enjoyed his softserve and my chocolate was delish Overall, it was a low-key day.

On Monday, DS went back to daycare, but when we arrived, I noticed he had a number of red spots on his face, neck, and chest that weren't there just an hour before. Now all of these symptoms separately seemed like no big deal. However, on a combined basis, and considering Sunday was another sleepless night, I knew a visit to the ped was in our immediate future.
We saw Dr. K right before lunch and she quickly diagnosed DS as having had the roseola virus for which he was no longer contagious. His screaming out on Sunday night was apparently caused from MORE teeth coming in. So back to daycare he went, spots and all. And although his ped warned us that his spots would probably get worse and then go away after a week, they really didn't, fortunately. And wouldn't you know -- I didn't get any pics of our roseola-spotted son.

Today is Thursday and I'm so looking forward to this weekend. As I type, our realtor (who is doing another open house for us on Sunday), is trying to set up for us to go see a house that I've been watching for several months-- even before we were even in the market for a house in BR. Hopefully we can do that on Saturday and get things moving forward somewhat. I'm so excited about the possibility of a new house; I'm even more excited about the drastically reduced commute time we'd have. I'm about 2 weeks away from buying a St. Joseph's figurine and burying it in our front yard!
One quick story about this morning for my memory book: When we arrived at daycare this morning, one of DS' classmates was in the car next to us. As we parents were getting our sons out of their carseats, the two boys noticed each other. As we were walking in, the boys were waving, smiling, and babbling at each other. They both recognized their friend. It warmed this mama's heart to see David Scott's genuine excitement at seeing his friend. That joy overshadowed my sadness at leaving him in his new classroom, crying, along with his other friends who were already there.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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