David Scott,
You are 18 months old. We watched your Uncle Brad (Uncle B or just B) graduate from college this weekend; I remember when he was born. I know that in the blink of an eye, we'll be watching graduations for you too. Man -- I don't even want to think about that now or I'll tear up like I did when watching a commercial about some computer thing the other day. Anyway, you had your 18-month well-baby visit with Dr. Kelleher today. You are currently:
• 26.2 lbs
• 31.5 inches tall
• wearing size 4 diapers but it may be time to move on up to 5's
• still wearing size 5 and 6 shoes, 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothes. However, it should be noted that you frequently wear some cotton-y pants to sleep in; they are size 3 months. It's hilarious...they are almost knee-length on you now but they were so big when you wore them just 15 months ago. Daddy makes fun of me for putting you in them, but you look so precious in them!

• saying so many new words: cold, sit, Doodle and Shadow (Mamaw and Mimi's dogs), Deuce and Suzy (Boo and Dusty's dogs), Annie (one of Gran and Papa's dogs), pool, pa-pa (what you've started calling the paci), not nice (said with much enthusiasm and sometimes a finger wag!), bad (usually to Lola), wa-wa (water), Mimi, Mamaw, car and truck (and you know the difference between them. We haven't seen an El Camino yet to get your take on whether it is a car or a truck.) You literally had a conversation of indistinguishable phrases with Daddy yesterday evening. It won't be long before you're speaking in complete sentences.
• loving your Papa, who might be your second favorite person -- behind me, of course. No one else exists when he walks into the room. It's sweet; he adores you as well. Everyone does. Even the check-out ladies/girls at the grocery store.
• running everywhere and just last week you learned how to jump, which is so entertaining to watch.
• are a leader in your class at daycare/school. I say that b/c you apparently let your classmates onto the big kid playground (for the second time) so you could play on the big kid slide last week. I was picturing the escape of inmates from prison when your teacher was telling me this. They say you have so much personality and energy. Ya think?!?
• able to "wash" your hair when you're in the bathtub. Mr. Independent. It reminds me of a book I read as a kid called "I Can Do It By Myself."
• loving Jello as a snack at Gran's house. You and she even have a special dance (the jello wiggle) that is done when enjoying it. So cute!
Speaking of dancing, several nights a week we will break it down in the living room. We find a song on one of our phones and you'll go to town with your smooth moves. You love music and will frequently clap to the beat (or close to it) if a good song comes on the radio. This makes me happy. You also love books. Specifically, we've read "Brown Bear" a thousand times if we've read it to you once; you also like "Goodnight Moon." I hope you keep a love for the arts as you get older.
You still play golf in the backyard every day, much to the delight of Daddy. Also, you seem to be pretty coordinated and will play basketball in your room. You go nuts when you make a basket and we just egg you on with encouragement and multiple high fives.
Also at your appointment today, we got the go-ahead to start trying peanut butter, chocolate, and strawberries. Your palate is about to thoroughly enjoy this expansion!
Life with you continues to get better and better with each day that passes. And although I can't wait to see what kind of person you become...I'm just not ready to watch YOU walk across that stage just yet.
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