Sweet boy,
We are presently playing outside with you as we enjoy this beautiful Mother's Day...my second one with you here in the flesh. Lots has changed in the year since I wrote my last Mother's Day post, or more specifically, you have changed so much. You are nearly 18 months old and are just a ball of energy. You see and hear everything and Daddy and I both have to constantly remind one another to, "don't say that" or, "don't do that". Everywhere we go, there's always something more to learn, whether it's identifying an item, or what color something is, saying someone's name, or how to do a task. A mother's work is never done. Literally. Figuratively. Seriously. And one day when you become a father to my grandchild, you will understand. But right now you don't, and that's okay because there's plenty of time to grow up. You're growing up quickly enough as it is.
Overnight it seems you are really testing boundaries so we're really getting a taste of parenting and not just being the givers of your care. And although I know you will be testing your limits for the rest of your life, it would be great if we weren't constantly having to tell you to "get out of that drawer" or "thank you for bringing me the cell phone charger that was charging my phone." :)
However, when you say, "Purple!" and you're correct or when I ask you, "What does the elephant say?" and you make a trumpet sound, all the frustration and time and effort make it all worthwhile because I know you really ARE learning and absorbing everything going on around you.
I am so blessed to be your Mama and I really do love every minute of it. Dirty diapers and tantrums will pass (hopefully), but I will always be here for you to teach you, to guide you, to challenge you, and to comfort you. You will always be my little monkey, no matter how big you get.
And just to let you know what we did today, I made breakfast (yes, I did), then we went to J. Alexander's for lunch (always an experience with you at this point), then went to the mall to get a few things. One of those things was a gift from you and Daddy -- a facial cleanser thing that apparently has three different models, which must have confused Daddy as he was looking for this particular item. :) Once we got home, you drank the remainder of Daddy's strawberry icee which got everywhere, so you got an impromptu shower in the backyard. You peed all over the place and pooped a little too. We could not stop laughing at what was happening. So we brought you inside for a real bath which you always love. The perfect day for me...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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