Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2 Years Old...

David Scott,
You are 2 years old! How is that possible?!? It was just yesterday that you were born. It wasn't too long ago that you started sitting up and crawling around. And wasn't it just last week when you started talking???

Now I watch you run everywhere, say, "Please" and, "Thank you" when appropriate, and have semi-conversations. Where is my baby? I still get glimpses of that baby when you're winding down for the night. You like to snuggle with us (but mostly me) on the couch in the evening. You still like to drink a cup of milk before bed. And you don't mind me carrying you into daycare in the morning-- although, Daddy lets you walk every time he takes you or picks you up. But at the same time, you are almost grown. You are already starting to potty-train. You seem to be able to follow the plot of some movies. And just the other day, you took your shirt off. A grown man.

For record-keeping purposes, here are your stats:
• 33.5 inches tall
• 30 lbs
• size 5 diaper
• clothes sized 18-24 months/2T
• shoes sized 5 or 6

Your teachers feel like we will be in full on potty-training mode by the first of the year. Being in the class with "older" boys (older meaning like 6 months or so) has helped speed this milestone along. You will occasionally ask to potty beforehand, and frequently will tell us you need a diaper change.

Everything seems to have just flown by. My heart would love for things to slow down a bit, but I know that's not going to happen. I have no idea what you're going to be when you grow up, but I have no doubt that you will be great at whatever you set your mind to. You seem to have the best qualities of both Daddy and me and that's more than we could've ever asked for. We are so blessed to be your parents and cherish every minute we have with you.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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