Thursday, January 10, 2013

Drew's Birth Day

In an effort not to forget the events of Drew's arrival, I kept a log of key items throughout the big day...

5 am - Arrived at hospital, check-in, etc.

6:30 - In room. IV in arm. Pitocin started. There's a monsoon outside. Assuming DS is awake and Gran (and Papa) are all getting ready for drop-off for his first day of "preschool."

7:05 - Dr. G arrives. 3-4 cm dilated and breaks my water.

7:45 - Scotty self-proclaims himself to be the Nick Saban of birthing coaches.

8:40 - Got epidural. Mercifully.

9:25 - 6 cm dilated

9:41 - popcicle time. Scotty looks delicious today.

10:00 - 8 cm

10:05 - zofran to avoid nausea

10:23 - can't stop thinking about the night Drew was conceived.

10:24 - read previous entry to family; family just puked

10:35 - 10 cm!!! Will start pushing in a few minutes. Giving Baby Drew a little time to turn a bit more.

11:00 - start pushing.

11:58 - Baby Drew is here! All 8 pounds, 11 oz, and 20.5 inches of him! He looks a lot like David Scott but with bigger cheeks, and lots of blond hair! Goodbye baby weight, pelvic pain, and acid reflux!

1:15 pm - Baby Drew gets to eat lunch for the first time. He takes to it like a champ. I have a feeling this chunk will not miss any meals for a long time.

2:35 - First non-family visitor -- CJ came to visit!

4:05 - Second feeding.

4:08 - DS is here and meets Drew for the first time. Instant love.

4:14 - Resume second feeding

5:35 - Mimi and Mamaw leave heading back to Monroe. Lee wads back to Lafayette. And Gran and Papa take David Scott for a quick bite to eat and then home for the night.

5:45 - Scotty went to get our dinner from Little Village. While my spaghetti and the bread (of course) were good, they did not give us utensils or my salad and Scotty's steak was not even warm. #disappointing.

8:30 - Getting ready to feed Drew again. IV is hopefully ready to come out if my fever is gone. My temp has been running a smidge higher than normal since having our sweet boy. We are so in love with this little man. However, Mama and Daddy are exhausted and will be sending our sweet boy to the nursery after he eats so we can get some shut-eye. It feels like it's 2 am and I am barely able to keep my eyes open.

A quick addition: Efforts to sleep were futile. However, I finally got to lose the IV early in the morning on the 10th. Drew has been great these first 24-36 hours following his birth. We are so glad (most of) our family were able to come in and experience this time with us. David Scott seems to love his little brother although we fully expect there to be some adjustment period for our firstborn. Thanks to my birthing coach/husband/co-author of this post (fun game: figure out what he contributed to this blog post...) who I literally couldn't have done this without. We are so blessed to be the parents of these two boys. What an awesome responsibility we have. Looking forward to it...

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