Drew is still attending preschool at daycare but he'll start Pre-K in about a year. He loves playing with his big brother and is happiest snuggled up next to his Mama holding Blue Blanket and Jesus (his stuffed Husky). Drew has been potty-trained since last summer but still has accidents if he doesn't potty before bed. We are usually very good at reminding him but sometimes it gets forgotten.
This boy can almost count to twenty and is learning his letters. He likes working on puzzles and building things with blocks/Legos. Drew took swimming lessons for the first time in the spring and he took to it like a fish to water...literally. For just three years old, his swimming is really good. He'll even swim to the bottom of the deep end to retrieve diving sticks! It's really crazy! He also likes playing golf but isn't using real clubs just yet.
Drew is rough and tumble. He is all boy but is still obsessed with Mama. I figure I only have a few more years before I'm totally uncool to him so I'll enjoy it while it lasts. He can be so sweet...when he wants to be; but he'll just as soon punch you in the gut to get your attention. He typically does what HE wants to on HIS timeline but is getting more compliant as he gets older. He loves music, specifically Michael Jackson. Drew-Bug still likes to tell us that he loves us "a hundred million and most." It's so cute. Time needs to slow down just a tad, though.