Saturday, July 14, 2018

Drew turns 5...

My little Drewbug turned 5 on January 9th!  He’d been talking about wanting a party at the karate studio since last year so that’s where we had it. He was so excited to get to use the samurai sword to cut his cake!

My sweet, spunky, full of life, and always-smiling, Drew:

You are such a great kiddo!  You are very smart and a good friend to others. You look after your little sister and are always wanting to help me do things around the house. I appreciate your willingness to help but I think you just like spending time with your Mama. And this gal doesn’t mind that one bit because I know one day you’ll be wanting to get far away from us. We’ll be totally uncool in your teenage eyes and a desire to help out will be replaced with a desire to sleep all day, lol. But I love the little personality you have and how much joy you have for everything you do. I hope you keep that joy throughout your life. 

I know that you will conquer any obstacle that comes your way because you are smart, kind, funny, and determined. Keep it up, Big Guy, the world needs more people like you.

Love, Mama

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