As promised in my previous post, here's a picture of the baby-tee that was given to me by a client:
I had a doctor's appointment today, and we got to hear Baby Rain's heartbeat! I was slightly disappointed as b/c we only got to hear about 15 seconds of really clear Baby Rain heartbeat. I also forgot about the baby's heartbeat being a whirring sound, not a thump, thump like a person outside the womb. It was pretty cool, though, to get confirmation that everything was going well. The heartbeat was about 165 bpm and strong said the doctor. However, about 15 seconds or so into hearing it, the baby decided not to cooperate and moved positions. Dr. Gautreau was able to find it again about 30 seconds later, but it wasn't as loud from this new position.
We did get some exciting news -- we're going to try and find out via ultra sound/sonogram next week whether Baby Rain is a boy or a girl. We'll be excited either way and I can't wait to start planning/buying stuff for our firstborn.
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