Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Illness...

Our little man is sick.  It started out simple enough -- nasal congestion towards the end of last week.  But then on Sunday, David Scott developed a cough.  Sniffles, we could handle; it was the cough that had us concerned.  So, off we went to the doctor first thing Monday morning.  Diagnosis:  Common Cold.  However, Dr. K told me to watch for fever, wheezing, or a general escalation of his current symptoms.  With RSV going around our daycare, she said things could quickly get worse.  She prescribed Albuterol by mouth to help with DS' cough.  So on to daycare we went.  Then, Tuesday morning (like 5 a.m.), DS had a fever over 101.  Because of the fever, I knew that he couldn't go to daycare; we were concerned that perhaps he was getting RSV.  So, back to the doctor we went; his temperature was back to normal, but he was still sick.  Diagnosis:  An Ear Infection in his left ear.  Dr. K put him on Amoxicillin (the yummy pink medicine we all took as kids) and we went back home to snuggle:

Now, we're up to two visits and two prescriptions in two days.  Not the way I wanted to begin my second week of returning to work and DS in daycare -- especially since you still have to pay for it even if they're not there. 

Wednesday morning, we got going, and after giving David Scott his two medicines, and literally 10 minutes before we usually walk out the door, he puked.  All over our bed, where I'd set him so that I could finish getting dressed -- I was trying to avoid him spitting the pink medicine all over me.  What foresight.  Fabulous.  Throw-up on my baby and throw-up on my bed.  I quickly changed him and took the comforter off the bed and threw it in the washer.  Note to self:  If this happens again, take the time to look at the tag to see if the garment is Dry Clean Only.  Don't just throw it in the washer or the colors will bleed together and ruin the duvet cover that you love so much.  Love, Me.  Anyway, Dr. K warned me that the meds, mixed with his phlegm/stomach juices, could cause him to vomit.  And since the fever (long gone) seemed to be related to the ear infection, and I could explain the up-chucking, on to daycare we went. This was the first day that David Scott did not get a "good" or "great" report.  He was very fussy, coughed a lot, had started wheezing, and just an hour before I picked him up, my little lovebug projectile vomited.  Phenominal. I made a mental note to call the doctor first thing in the morning.  Scotty and I closely monitored Sir Wheeze A Lot, and continued giving him the medicines prescribed earlier in the week.  As we were going to bed last night, I had DS laying on my chest for really close monitoring of the wheezing and breathing.  He coughed, spit up a little, and just as I had gotten us both up out of the bed, puked.  All.  Over.  Both.  Of.  Us.  So now he's covered in vomit and crying; I'm covered in vomit and want to cry.  The only good thing about this was that there was no vomit on the carpet or on the bed -- just on our clothes which we promptly changed. 

We went to see Dr. K first thing this morning (3rd visit in 4 days).  As I was explaining about the wheezing, the vomiting, the "liquid gold" dirty diapers (4 in two hours at daycare yesterday), and the fact that just this morning, he didn't seem as interested in eating, the diagnosis that we'd been trying to avoid was finally handed down to us:  RSV.  David Scott rec'd two breathing treatments at the dr's office AND he got a shot of antibiotic since something was disagreeing with it in his tummy. Although he still wasn't running any fever, Dr. K thought it would be best for him to be out of daycare today and tomorrow.  We have to do breathing treatments every 4 hours through tomorrow when we're able to resume the antibiotic by mouth.  Then, on Saturday, we can start doing them every 6 hours through Tuesday, which is when we'll go back to the doctor for a follow-up.  Here's DS doing his first treatment at home:

You can see how much he enjoys it.  (Insert sarcastic look here.)

Dr. K said he may sleep more since he can breathe better after each treatment.  So here he is, elevated and loving his paci (yes, that's a monkey on the end of it).  If he's not running any fever and his breathing is better, Dr. K said David Scott can go back to daycare on Monday.  Although the littlest (that looks funny spelled out) Rainwater has been in pretty good spirits all week, last night and this morning, he has been fussy.  After getting the breathing treatments and the shot earlier in the day, his sweet disposition and sweet pink cheeks have returned.  We're keeping our fingers crossed and saying a little prayer for a quick recovery and a good, unexpectedly long weekend. 

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Conversation with David Scott...

Me:  David Scott, do you think the Saints are gonna win today?

DS:  Hmmm...let me think about it...

DS:  Mama, of course we're gonna win.  Geaux Saints!

Friday, January 22, 2010

2 Months Old!

David Scott,
I cannot believe that you are already 2 months old. I'm sure this won't be the last time I say that.  Well, not the 2 months old part, but you understand.  As your Aunt Boo pointed out in her blog, time is flying by. 

Baby Boy, you are currently:
  • 11 pounds
  • 21 inches long
  • Wearing a Size 1 diaper
  • Smiling back at anyone who smiles at you almost every single time.  Love it!!!
  • Cooing/"talking" to us
  • Reaching at/holding on to things
  • Holding your head up all the time; your head control gets better every day.
  • Following us pretty consistently with your eyes.  This morning, you discovered Lola.  I can't wait to watch this relationship unfold!
  • Letting us (read: me) get about 5 hours of (uninterrupted, glorious, much-needed) sleep each night before you wake up about 3:30 a.m. to eat again. 
  • Taking a bath nightly and loving it
  • Eating about every 3.5 - 4 hours throughout the day

Here's your "official" 2-month photo:

And yes, Scotty pointed out to me after I was ready to post this that I had the year wrong.  I've waited a few days to post this in the hopes of finding the time to stage some more photos with the correct date.  No such luck.  :)

And another that we just happened to catch:

It looks like you were trying to say, "Who" as in "Who Dat?"  At some point, once I have a few more funny-face pictures, I'll do a blog post with funny faces and captions.  We'll save that for one day when I have nothing to really write about but still want to write a post.

We had a huge milestone on your two-month birthday:  Daycare.  Monday was your first full/official day at daycare.  It also marked my first day back at work.  I cannot lie, as I was getting ready to leave you with Ms. Nora (your "teacher"), I started tearing up.  And although I really, really wanted to just pack you back up and go back home and pretend that you weren't growing up too fast, I knew that it wouldn't be fair to any of us if I did that.  I thought about you all day long, but I resisted calling and checking on you.  Why?  I knew if I could make it through the first day without hounding the daycare, things would be fine.  And they were.  I made an appointment to go by a client's office at the end of the work day, so I was able to pick you up a few minutes early.  When I arrived in your "classroom," Ms. Nora told me how well you'd done.  You didn't take much of a nap at any point during the day, but you also didn't cry all day long either.  Furthermore, she also told me that you smiled often and were very vocal.  I know that they probably can't say "advanced for his age," but I know that's what she meant.  :)   

Because you did so well on Day 1, I didn't shed any tears when I dropped you off on Day 2.  Our decision to send you to daycare was affirmed when I picked you up at the end of the day.  Your teachers told me that you'd had a great day and were such a happy boy.  Yay!  I think you're going to be a social butterfly and enjoy being around lots of people as you seem to have transitioned well to the daycare scene.  Daddy and I fall more and more in love with you with every day that passes.  You are such a cool little dude and we are so lucky to call you our son.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dr's Visit and Such...

David Scott had his 2-month pediatrician's visit earlier today.  Despite getting 4 shots -- 3 with needles and one vaccine orally, he did great.  Our little guy only cried when they poked him and for a minute or two afterward. 

Dr. K said DS was great.  I'll include his stats in my official 2-month old recap on the 18th.  Here's David Scott lying on the table at the doctor's office looking at himself in the mirror:

I've figured out that I can put DS in his "boppy" pillow in the bathroom while I get ready every day.  This is a huge improvement from just laying him down in his cradle (or just on the bathroom mat alone) and listening to him cry while I'm in the shower.  And since I'll be going back to work next Monday, this solution came just in the nick of time.  Most of the time, he's on the floor looking around at me and at other stuff in our bathroom.  However, if he gets fussy while I'm doing my make-up, I will put him on the counter in the boppy.  Don't worry -- I'm right there practically on top of him while I do my make-up.

You'll note the genuine smile happening in this picture.  While this wasn't his first smile, I thought it was a cute pic.  His first smile happened at our early morning feeding on New Year's Eve when I smiled at my baby boy just like I had been doing every day.  This time, though, he smiled back at me!  I couldn't believe it.  It took me several more times smiling at him and have him smile back at me before I truly believed it was a real smile and not just gas.  But as you can see in the picture above, you can see it on his whole face, so...not gas!

Stay tuned for another update next Monday to recap my first day back at work/DS' first day at daycare AND his 2-month old recap.