Now, we're up to two visits and two prescriptions in two days. Not the way I wanted to begin my second week of returning to work and DS in daycare -- especially since you still have to pay for it even if they're not there.
Wednesday morning, we got going, and after giving David Scott his two medicines, and literally 10 minutes before we usually walk out the door, he puked. All over our bed, where I'd set him so that I could finish getting dressed -- I was trying to avoid him spitting the pink medicine all over me. What foresight. Fabulous. Throw-up on my baby and throw-up on my bed. I quickly changed him and took the comforter off the bed and threw it in the washer. Note to self: If this happens again, take the time to look at the tag to see if the garment is Dry Clean Only. Don't just throw it in the washer or the colors will bleed together and ruin the duvet cover that you love so much. Love, Me. Anyway, Dr. K warned me that the meds, mixed with his phlegm/stomach juices, could cause him to vomit. And since the fever (long gone) seemed to be related to the ear infection, and I could explain the up-chucking, on to daycare we went. This was the first day that David Scott did not get a "good" or "great" report. He was very fussy, coughed a lot, had started wheezing, and just an hour before I picked him up, my little lovebug projectile vomited. Phenominal. I made a mental note to call the doctor first thing in the morning. Scotty and I closely monitored Sir Wheeze A Lot, and continued giving him the medicines prescribed earlier in the week. As we were going to bed last night, I had DS laying on my chest for really close monitoring of the wheezing and breathing. He coughed, spit up a little, and just as I had gotten us both up out of the bed, puked. All. Over. Both. Of. Us. So now he's covered in vomit and crying; I'm covered in vomit and want to cry. The only good thing about this was that there was no vomit on the carpet or on the bed -- just on our clothes which we promptly changed.
We went to see Dr. K first thing this morning (3rd visit in 4 days). As I was explaining about the wheezing, the vomiting, the "liquid gold" dirty diapers (4 in two hours at daycare yesterday), and the fact that just this morning, he didn't seem as interested in eating, the diagnosis that we'd been trying to avoid was finally handed down to us: RSV. David Scott rec'd two breathing treatments at the dr's office AND he got a shot of antibiotic since something was disagreeing with it in his tummy. Although he still wasn't running any fever, Dr. K thought it would be best for him to be out of daycare today and tomorrow. We have to do breathing treatments every 4 hours through tomorrow when we're able to resume the antibiotic by mouth. Then, on Saturday, we can start doing them every 6 hours through Tuesday, which is when we'll go back to the doctor for a follow-up. Here's DS doing his first treatment at home:
You can see how much he enjoys it. (Insert sarcastic look here.)
Dr. K said he may sleep more since he can breathe better after each treatment. So here he is, elevated and loving his paci (yes, that's a monkey on the end of it). If he's not running any fever and his breathing is better, Dr. K said David Scott can go back to daycare on Monday. Although the littlest (that looks funny spelled out) Rainwater has been in pretty good spirits all week, last night and this morning, he has been fussy. After getting the breathing treatments and the shot earlier in the day, his sweet disposition and sweet pink cheeks have returned. We're keeping our fingers crossed and saying a little prayer for a quick recovery and a good, unexpectedly long weekend.