Friday, January 22, 2010

2 Months Old!

David Scott,
I cannot believe that you are already 2 months old. I'm sure this won't be the last time I say that.  Well, not the 2 months old part, but you understand.  As your Aunt Boo pointed out in her blog, time is flying by. 

Baby Boy, you are currently:
  • 11 pounds
  • 21 inches long
  • Wearing a Size 1 diaper
  • Smiling back at anyone who smiles at you almost every single time.  Love it!!!
  • Cooing/"talking" to us
  • Reaching at/holding on to things
  • Holding your head up all the time; your head control gets better every day.
  • Following us pretty consistently with your eyes.  This morning, you discovered Lola.  I can't wait to watch this relationship unfold!
  • Letting us (read: me) get about 5 hours of (uninterrupted, glorious, much-needed) sleep each night before you wake up about 3:30 a.m. to eat again. 
  • Taking a bath nightly and loving it
  • Eating about every 3.5 - 4 hours throughout the day

Here's your "official" 2-month photo:

And yes, Scotty pointed out to me after I was ready to post this that I had the year wrong.  I've waited a few days to post this in the hopes of finding the time to stage some more photos with the correct date.  No such luck.  :)

And another that we just happened to catch:

It looks like you were trying to say, "Who" as in "Who Dat?"  At some point, once I have a few more funny-face pictures, I'll do a blog post with funny faces and captions.  We'll save that for one day when I have nothing to really write about but still want to write a post.

We had a huge milestone on your two-month birthday:  Daycare.  Monday was your first full/official day at daycare.  It also marked my first day back at work.  I cannot lie, as I was getting ready to leave you with Ms. Nora (your "teacher"), I started tearing up.  And although I really, really wanted to just pack you back up and go back home and pretend that you weren't growing up too fast, I knew that it wouldn't be fair to any of us if I did that.  I thought about you all day long, but I resisted calling and checking on you.  Why?  I knew if I could make it through the first day without hounding the daycare, things would be fine.  And they were.  I made an appointment to go by a client's office at the end of the work day, so I was able to pick you up a few minutes early.  When I arrived in your "classroom," Ms. Nora told me how well you'd done.  You didn't take much of a nap at any point during the day, but you also didn't cry all day long either.  Furthermore, she also told me that you smiled often and were very vocal.  I know that they probably can't say "advanced for his age," but I know that's what she meant.  :)   

Because you did so well on Day 1, I didn't shed any tears when I dropped you off on Day 2.  Our decision to send you to daycare was affirmed when I picked you up at the end of the day.  Your teachers told me that you'd had a great day and were such a happy boy.  Yay!  I think you're going to be a social butterfly and enjoy being around lots of people as you seem to have transitioned well to the daycare scene.  Daddy and I fall more and more in love with you with every day that passes.  You are such a cool little dude and we are so lucky to call you our son.



  1. Oh...He is so cute! I looked back at your 1 month post & can't believe how much he has changed! I've realized this before, but he looks like a totally different baby!

  2. He looks like a different person every time I take a picture. I'm going to look back in a few years and be like, "Which kid was this? I don't recognize him in any other pictures." :)
