Thursday, July 22, 2010

8 months...

OK, so I'm 4 days behind on David Scott's Official 8-Month Post.  Chasing after a mobile child is taking up any additional "me" time in my evenings, so now I'm really short on time. 

David Scott,
At 8 months old, you are:
  • 19.5 pounds
  • 26 inches in length
  • cutting 8 teeth -- 4 on top and 4 on bottom!!  Three on bottom came together as a group first, then all four on top came in simultaneously, and then it was back down to the bottom for the last one (so far).  Perhaps you'll have enough chompers to eat a steak from Ruth's Chris on your birthday.  Ha!
  • "army" crawling everywhere
  • are pulling up on various pieces of furniture as well as some of your toys and your bed
  • just figuring out how to open drawers and cabinets
  • using your hands to eat more -- graham crackers are your favorite; you hate puffs.  In fact, you make an awful face like you're being physicially harmed by those awful snacks.
  • taking 4 6-oz bottles each day with a 2-3 oz bottle some evenings before your dinner
  • eating baby food at "our" normal eating times -- breakfast lunch and supper in addition to your bottles.  You love your food!
  • wearing a size 3 diaper
  • wearing size 6-12 month clothes
  • still loving Lola and she is liking you more now that you leave her graham cracker crumbs and can throw your spoon where she grabs it as soon as it hits the floor and takes it under Mama and Daddy's bed
  • saying Da Da, Ma Ma, Hey, Lola.  You've even said, "Da Da" TO Daddy and, "Ma Ma" TO me once or twice.  It melts our hearts!!!
  • exploring EVERYTHING -- the speaker (for our surround sound), the fireplace (which only has a bunch of candles on a stand in it), the blinds on the windows.  You've heard the word "NO" more in the last day or two than you've probably heard it in the previous 8 months total.  You've also been spanked and had your hand swatted twice for continuing to do things after we've said, "No!" and then move you to another area for you to play.  Inevitably, you just go right back to where you were. You WILL learn what that word means.  At the moment, you apparently think, "No" is code for "turn around and look at Mama and Daddy with your big blue/green eyes and smile thinking we'll be rendered useless and will let you continue doing whatever you're not supposed to be doing."
  • still not sleeping through the night.  You're still getting up once a night most nights.  However, some nights you sleep straight through until 5 or 6 a.m.  I look forward to the day when sleeping through the night is more consistent.  But right now I'll take what I can get! 
  • reaching for people -- the ladies at daycare, Daddy, Me
  • giving hugs and "sugar" -- I think I am the main recipient of those :)
Oh, David Scott!  As much as I've been waiting for you to reach the next step in your development, I REALLY, REALLY wish things would slow down.  I think you're going to be walking in the very near future and in just a few months you'll be a year old!  Where has the time gone???  We love you more and more with each passing day and are doing our best to live in the moment now and cherish every day we have with you.  I try to take lots and lots of pictures of you so that we don't forget a moment, or a smile, or an experience.  Next week, we'll be going to Destin with Mimi for your very first trip to the beach.  I think you're going to love it and look forward to so many other Firsts to come.


A close-up shot of little can see a few of his bottom teeth!

DS:  Let's see what this is...
Mama:  David Scott, No!  Hot!  (not really -- it's unlit)

DS:  Mama, are you talkin' to me?  Look at these eyes...surely not...
Mama:  (Stifling a laugh) No (firmly).

DS:  Uh Oh...I knocked it off the thingy
Mama:  Ugh -- I said, "No!"

DS:  Peace out!  Sorry, Mama!  I love you!

(And yes, all of these pics were taken on the same day)


  1. just wait, the fun hasn't even started yet for you!! :)

  2. Great post and great pics! You must have posted right after I checked last night...Give my DS some sugar from Gran and Papa!!!
