Just in case you didn't know, DS is a huge Saints fan!
I couldn't really think of a title for this mostly random post. We've been busy the last two weekends. Weekend before last, we were in North LA to celebrate Mamaw's birthday (which we celebrated in spirit -- from the beach -- on her actual birthday...good thing she's kind and understanding!). We had a great visit with nearly everybody -- sorry, Jessie, we just can't seem to get it together can we? When I'm in Ruston, you go to Winnsboro; by the time you get back to Ruston, I'm already in Monroe. Maybe next time! We stayed with Boo and Dusty on Friday night. On Saturday, Betsey and I wrangled Stella Grace and David Scott at Olive Garden for lunch. What were we thinking? We totally needed a third adult to help with these two very mobile babies. Lesson learned. After that, we finally made it to Mamaw and Papaw's house where DS got in some very good quality time with his great-grandparents. When Scotty finished playing golf and Mrs. Debbie got through with her errands, we celebrated Mamaw getting to her "middle earlies." This is a term my own Mamaw used to use when we asked her how old she was. Her reply was always, "I'm in my middle earlies." I never quite figured out what the earlies were and where the middle was; but I guess that's just one of those questions that will forever go unanswered like the chicken and the egg debate. I digress. We ate steak, baked potatoes, salad, and my personal favorite -- birthday cake. Yummy! We even let David Scott have a bite of cake, but he made a funny face so I don't think he's a fan of cake...yet. He'll be having his very own cake in about 3 months, so I thought it was ok for him to have a morsel. Afterwards, we headed on to the 'Boro where Mom, David, Brad, and his gf Courtney were waiting on our arrival. On Sunday, Boo and Dusty came down and the three boys went to play golf at Twin Jokes, I mean Twin Oaks, while the rest of us enjoyed the pool.
Scotty throwing David Scott in the air at Mam and Pap's
While we were in North LA, our friends Carroll and Melissa were experiencing the birth of their little boy, John. We finally got to go visit them on Wednesday, and baby John is so cute! David Scott thought his future BFF was cool, too. He kept trying to reach out and touch him. But since DS doesn't have the concept of gently touching anything, we didn't let him love on John at all really. We're so excited for Carroll and Melissa as well as our other friends who are in the family way. 4 of us law school couples (in some grouping or another) have been going to Destin for a few days the last three or four summers. Last summer I was 5 or 6 months pregnant, another couple (Charlie and Elsa Jeanne aka EJ) had just found out they were expecting, and the other two couples (Carroll and Melissa and Kevin and Kara) were still just families of two. Now, however, we have David Scott, Charlie and EJ had Emma in February, Carroll and Melissa now have baby John, and Kevin and Kara's little girl will be here in October. We skipped Law Vacay 2010, but when we resume next summer, we will all have a child and from the oldest to the youngest, there'll be about 11 months difference! It's gonna be interesteing, that's for sure.
This past weekend, Scotty went to Destin for a weekend of golf with the boys and Mom and David (aka Gran and Papa D) came down for a visit. Their actual intent was to attend a wedding Saturday night, but to stay with us so they could visit with us as well (really David Scott). Too bad they didn't realize until Saturday afternoon that the wedding had actually taken place Friday night. Way to go, Gran! Letting those senior moments shine right through! Looking back, we were actually at Outback at the time of the ceremony.
DS in Gran's lap at Outback -- what an expression!
On Saturday, I ran some errands while DS stayed at the house with Gran and Papa D. We had his 9-month pictures on Sunday and he's getting Christened/baptized the Sunday before Labor Day, so I was on the lookout for the perfect outfit so we could include that outfit during the photo shoot. Luckily for me, I didn't find one that I cared too much for b/c randomly on Sunday morning, I was glancing through his closet when an outfit jumped out at me. It's not a christening gown, but I didn't want that -- he's no longer an infant, so I wanted a light blue or white john-john. I found a blue and white seersucker shortall/john john that he hadn't worn before...perfect! Anyway, since there was no longer a wedding to attend Saturday night, I cooked enchiladas and Mexican rice, and David made guacamole. We even had enough left over for lunch on Sunday. And I must admit, I wasn't heartbroken over the fact that they missed the wedding. DS and I enjoyed our visit with Gran and Papa D. His pictures were great. Hopefully I won't spend as much on these as I did last time...but, I probably will...this kid doesn't take too many bad pictures!
Sitting on our back patio in his best farmwear...including matching farmer's tan...
Sunday night, after Scotty made it back from his "Boys' Trip," Lee came over for a visit. Unfortunately, Sunday night, like the two previous nights, DS did not sleep too well, and I think we were ALL up for most of the night on and off. However, last night, we started his routine a little earlier than usual, and I don't know what it was, but we did something right b/c DS slept ALL NIGHT LONG! I am so ready for this to become a regular occurrance. Perhaps it's his ever-increasing maturity b/c last, but certainly not least, David Scott is 9 months old today!!! I'll have an official 9-month old post following his doctor's visit on Friday.
DS: No, Mama, I don't want to take a picture. Can't you see I'm trying to read?!?
I have the cutest nephew ever!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree!
ReplyDeletehe's getting so big!
ReplyDeletemy favorite grandbaby! we loved our visit...it ended up being a perfectly relaxing weekend...and we really needed that!