So I guess I'll save the other Christening pics for another day. On Saturday, David Scott turned 10 months old. Wow! Last night, as Scotty and I were watching the Saints beat the 49'ers, the first few weeks after DS' birth came flooding back to both of us after one little smell: anti-bacterial hand liquid. Scotty found it and had squirted some on his hands. Like a weird-o, I smelled his hands on and off for several minutes thinking about our life for the past 10 months, but more specifically, those first few weeks when we were OCD about using that anti-bacterial stuff. Time passes by so quickly. I'm sad and happy at the same time. I love seeing what each new stage of DS' life brings, but at the same time, I know that we'll never get back a day that's passed.. For instance, I very much looked forward to DS becoming mobile. Now that we're constantly chasing after him saying stuff like, "David Scott, don't put that in your mouth!" or, "David Scott, we do not tear up magazines!" or my personal favorite, "David Scott, we sit still when Mama (or Daddy...occasionally) is trying to change your diaper!" I sometimes long for the days when I could get our little monkey to sit still to do anything. DS is on the move 24/7, which is no surprise b/c he was so active most of the time when I was pregnant that I just knew he'd be a ball of energy...the kid has not let me down. He literally won't sit still long enough to finish his bottle most mornings and at night, too. The only time we can keep him in one place is at bathtime, when he's confined to the parameters of the bathtub. But even then, it's like a water explosion around the tub from DS dropping toys filled with water from the tub to the floor. Scotty has been on bath patrol lately and seems to be nearly as wet as David Scott once it's over. :)Now on to David Scott's 10-month stats.
David Scott, you are currently:
- 28.5" in length
- 22.5 pounds
- still wearing a size 3 diaper
- wearing 9 and 12-month sized clothes
- wearing a size 3 or 4 shoe (if you're wearing shoes at all!)
- eating less and less baby food and trying more adult food. You will try anything, which I personally love!
- still loving Lola. Your favorite thing when you're eating is to share with her. Daddy and I don't like that so much; but Lola Bean doesn't mind one bit. Go figure.
- cruising on all furniture. Daddy saw you take a small step as you were reaching for your lion walking toy this weekend. I missed it since I was slaving away, unloading the dishwasher. however, we haven't been able to replicate that action, so I'll believe it when I see it. I'm pretending like it didn't really happen, anyway.
- saying several words, including: MaMa, DaDa, Lola (sounds like yoyo), ba (haven't figured out if this is ball or bottle as you've said it with both), Touchdown (tuh duh)
- doing the signal for "Touchdown" and have been for a couple of weeks. I think this was Daddy's proudest moment so far by having you do this on command. You're like our little show dog. :)
- still not watching much tv -- not a bad thing. You did, however, watch the first few minutes of the game last night with us. You were so tired that you wouldn't even do the Touchdown move when we scored.
- growing 8 teeth -- the same teeth you've had for a couple of months now. I think you may be getting ready to sprout a few new ones since you currently have a little cold and didn't sleep well at all Sunday night. For the record, no one else slept Sunday night either -- including Mimi who stayed with us on her way to NO for work.
I can't believe you're on the cusp of walking. I was just talking about your birth day today with one of my friends from work, CJ, who is expecting her own little boy in January -- we hope you'll be good friends. Speaking of January, I just found out last week that you'll be moving to the Toddler class at the beginning of the year. Although you'll be the youngest one in your class, Ms. Hope thinks you're "advanced" and can handle it (proud mother moment). Several of your current classmates will also be in there with you. You have the best little personality and I think you'll thrive in a new environment, with new friends, new people, new experiences. I look forward to picking you up every day and hearing (from your "teachers" Ms. Nora, Ms. Sandy, or Ms. Katie, of course) how your day went -- and oh yeah, I also love the look on your face when you see me (another swelling of motherly pride). I hope you continue to have good days and love school as much as I always did. Your daddy and I look forward to many, many years of learning new tricks, and perfecting old ones with you. You are and will continue to be the light of our lives.
Love, Mama
P.S. We're going to the doctor in the morning as I think DS has a sinus infection.
P.P.S. Happy Anniversary to my sweet, hard-working, awesome, loving, caring, providing, grilling, diaper-changing, baby-bathing, dog-washing, nose-suctioning, clothes-washing, carpet-cleaning, touchdown-move-perfecting, manner-teaching, baby-daddy husband of mine. You are my best friend and I'm so glad to be raising a family and going through life with you.