It is literally mind-boggling how quickly the last 365 days have passed. We just thought the summers flew by when we were younger, still in school, and living for the summer break. We knew nothing....on many fronts.
Before becoming a mother, I didn't understand how scatter-brained someone could be. Little did I know how hard it would be to juggle work projects and home responsibilities while my heart wasn't with me. He was at daycare. Being taken care of by someone who wasn't me. By someone he wasn't even related to in the farthest stretch of the word. But that person or persons who were taking care of my heart were doing an excellent job of it. Not better than me, not worse than me, but complementary of what we were doing with our baby boy. It is evident that he is learning so much with his teachers at daycare that I don't even have to think about what he's learning. He shows me everyday. From his smooth dancing skills, to clapping his hands when we say "Patty Cake" ("Pat a Cake?"), to new words, I know DS is being stimulated every day. And that's one less thing his scatter-brained Mama has to worry about, which is good.
Before becoming a mother, I didn't understand other people's obsession with their kids. Now, David Scott is brought up in nearly every conversation. You mean there were no weapons of mass destruction? Obviously you didn't look hard enough. I bet David Scott would've found them. Or, yeah, this battery on my iPhone does suck. I wonder what kind of iPhones will be available when DS is old enough to have one? And if their battery life will be better? It all goes back to my pride and joy and how whatever topic relates or could relate to him. Yep, total obsession with that kid.
Before becoming a mother, I didn't understand what totally exhausted was. Now I know. Thanks for showing me the light on that one, DS.
Before becoming a mother, I didn't understand why my coworkers ran errands at lunch. Why couldn't they go meet a friend or just run to Hobby Lobby and browse for a bit? Now I know-- if you don't run your errands at lunch, they're not going to get done b/c it is so much more difficult to jump in and out of the car four different times when you have to strap and unstrap, strap and unstrap every single time. Not to mention the time constraints of a nap or meal or the dreaded diaper change while being out and about. Ugh.
Before becoming a mother, I didn't understand why everything wasn't done "today". See points on Exhaustion and Errands above. Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. Enough said.
Thank you, David Scott or enlightening me on these and so many other finer points in life. We've learned so many things in the past year -- parenting tidbits and life lessons. The first few months were tough -- sleep-deprived and slightly overwhelming at times. But once you morphed from a blob to a real, interacting baby who could do things, life just continues to get better and better. I hope it stays on that path for a long time with us all continuing to grow together individually and as a family.
I can't believe my sweet little monkey will be a year old tomorrow. Just this evening, I got to rock him to sleep which I never do. Normally we can put him in his bes and he'll go down pretty easily. Tonight, he wanted his Mama. And I happily obliged. Official 12-Month post tomorrow...or maybe Friday. Scotty is picking DS up early from daycare to go on a surprise adventure and I'll get to join in after work when we go see Mike the Tiger. We have a busy birthday evening planned. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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