Saturday, May 19, 2012

2.5 years old..

David Scott,
You are two-and-a-half years old! We can't believe how quickly time has flown by. We are still working on potty training -- truth be told, for a while, we really weren't trying too hard. But recently you've started asking to go to the restroom every time we go anywhere (yes, anywhere -- and usually multiple times per outing). We went to the bathroom three times one night that the three of us went out to eat. I think you just like seeing what the bathroom looks like everywhere we go. However, you don't go as consistently at home. Oh well, it's a work in progress.

On other fronts, you have an amazing vocabulary and can carry on conversations, mostly with Daddy and me. Your favorite question is, "What happened?" You also like to say, "I don't want to..." and, "What's that?". Typically you will also try fake crying/whining in conjunction with the "I don't want to..." statement. It's pretty comical except when we want you to do whatever it is you don't want to do, which is most of the time.

Size-wise, you are wearing 24-month/2T clothing, some 3T shirts, and size 6 or 7 shoes. And you're still in size 5 diapers. You weigh 30 pounds and are 34.5 inches tall.

You are starting to identify some letters of the alphabet but have known your ABC song for several months now. You can also count to 10 and you know all your colors. You say that your favorite color is blue. You also tell people you are three and hold up two fingers when someone asks you how old you are; it's pretty cute. You also know your full name and the first names of most of our family members. You love pizza, spaghetti, and your cousin Anders (who you also say is so cute...which he, of course is).

David Scott, you bring so much joy and happiness to our lives and the lives of our family too. You are already hard-headed and determined like your Daddy (although I'm sure Gran and Daddy would also say that you get the hard-headedness from me, too), but you are sensitive and personable too -- a combination of which will take you very far in life, sweet boy. We love you so much!!


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