Sunday, December 20, 2009

Standing Tall!

I just thought I'd share this amazing feat of epic porportions. Look who's standing up already:

Yes -- it's 5-week-old David Scott standing on our couch...all by himself.   He'd been "jumping" up and down on Scotty and so he (Scotty) decided to see what would happen if he stood the baby up.  And he stayed long enough for me to capture it for posterity.  Shocked?  Yes!  So were we when he actually stayed standing up for 5-10 seconds.  Twice.  Yep.

Also, DS is being more awake during the day.  This is a relatively new development that's been taking place over the last week or so.  Yesterday, he managed to stay awake from about 5:30 until about midnight.  He drifted in and out of sleep for about an hour or so including part of the time when my friend Racheal was visiting with us.  He absolutely would not go to sleep and stay that way.  After the Saints game, about 11:00, I decided that we should take a bath as it typically relaxes him and I hoped would put him in an attitude of sleepiness.  What it did was make him poop.  In the tub.  While we were soaking.  Yuck!  Drain the tub.  Refill it.  And he pooped in it...again.  While we were soaking.  So we rinsed off and got out.  So much for our relaxing bath.  My end goal did work and David Scott finally drifted off to sleep just before midnight. 

Our weekend has been realtively uneventful except for the above-mentioned items.  Our Christmas shopping is done.  Scotty took Lee with him to the Saints/Cowboys game last night.  Our Saints have had a great season so far, last night just didn't go in our favor.  We didn't play well and the 'Boys defense brought their "A" game.  We cheered for our team til the end and will continue to pull for them.  Although I won't be able to go to the Superbowl if the Saints end up there, Scotty will get to go, so we're pulling for them.  He'll be excited when he can cross "watching the Saints play in the Superbowl" off his Bucket List.  And DS and I will again cheer them on from the comfort of our couch.  Maybe DS will have mastered the "touchdown" sign by then.  Perhaps we'll work on that move next week...

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