David Scott,
You turned 17 months old on Monday. Holy cow! You're almost 2! You are on the cusp of a vocabulary explosion -- trying to string words together to form phrases and jabbering in incoherent baby language like you're holding a conversation with us. It's so cute...and awesome to watch this stage of your development. You can name all of your body parts -- even fingers and toes which are separate from hands and feet. You like saying, "Lola. Bad."
You are currently:
• 26 pounds
• 31.5 inches tall
• in a size 4 diaper, wearing size 5 and 6 shoes, wearing 12-18 and 18-month clothes
• saying so, so much, and at the appropriate time. In just a month you've added several words to your vocabulary: car, truck, kitty, roar, cold, not nice, up, go (Go!), juice (and knowing the difference b/t juice and milk, too). You also like to say, "Bye!" when you're ready for someone to get off the phone. It's too cute.
• eating anything and everything except chocolate, nuts/peanut anything, and strawberries which are all still prohibited by the pediatrician. Although, I think you will totally dig all of those foods once you can have them (hopefully once you turn 2).
• have all of your teeth (yay!). I haven't checked yet, but I'm hoping no new teeth come in for a while.
• climbing up/on everything. Last week, you climbed up and into your highchair. We had no idea until we heard a crash when you knocked the tray off. Hello!
• running most of the time. I guess you're so pressed for time in fitting in everything you want to do each day that running everywhere is the only way to get it all done.
• LOVING music --any kind as long as it has a beat to it. You love to dance and are such a little ham. Your teacher says that you love storytime and music at daycare. Also, you like animals and have been to the zoo several times in your short life.
I can't really think of anything else "new" other than your vocabulary continuing to get more and more complex and pronounced. I love hearing you say, "Mama...."
I typed this as I lay on the beach Saturday afternoon while you were up in the condo (napping) with everyone else (Daddy, Gran, Papa, Boo, Uncle Dusty, and of course your Uncle B). We are here for a family vacation over Easter before Brad graduates and goes to work in North Carolina for a year before he starts optometry school. Anyway, you are loving the beach...everything but the ocean. You play in the sand well and LOVE the pool. The last few weekends have been spent with friends and family here and there and it's been nice --especially this relaxing weekend. Daddy and I look forward to spending a lot more beach time and creating lasting, loving memories with you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
It was a great weekend...the weather cooperated and we all had a good time!