Monday, March 25, 2013

2 Months...

Time must stop because this boy is growing way too fast. And while I know both boys are growing up too quickly, the first year or so is filled with constant change that it's easier to see just how quickly changes happen in a newborn vs a preschooler. Speaking of the term newborn, I guess my baby boy will soon no longer be considered a newborn. Sadness. But as we were with DS, we do look forward to each milestone and to the next stage as every one truly is better than the one before. There's that bittersweet part of being a parent that seems to be an ongoing theme.

Drew, you are presently:
• approx 13 lbs
• 23 inches long
• wearing size 2 diapers
• wearing size 3 month clothes and some that are even 3-6 months. Porkchop.
• eating about every 3-4 hours...closer to 3 when you're at daycare and closer to 4 at home.
• sleeping great. You've even slept through the night a few times which is amazing. You still aren't really sleeping much during the day -- catnaps mostly -- but the pediatrician assures me this is fine for you.
• you are holding your head up good and rolled over from your belly to your back a few more times and can really push yourself up well for your age. You must have strengthened your core muscles in utero.
• you smile at us spontaneously and almost always when we're talking or smiling at you. You've even started to make a few baby coos or sounds of your own.

Probably the biggest milestone for this month, though, was that you began daycare and I returned to work. You were about 7.5 weeks old when you had your first full day. Because you are in the same class as your brother was, and I knew they would take such good care of you, I didn't even cry (well, maybe a few tears), but nothing major that would ruin my makeup for my first day back at work. The first week was kind of rough and you really didn't nap at all during the day. But by the second week, you were much better and seemed to have adjusted somewhat to the chaos of multiple children being around you. I think this is partially b/c your brother has so much energy that he sometimes seems like more than one kid himself.

Overall, this was a big month for you. I know there are many more "big" moments and days ahead and throughout your lifetime. We are so blessed to be your parents and walk with you and guide you and experience life with you. You are my sunshine.

Love, Mama

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