Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

This was my first Mother's Day as the mama of TWO kiddos. Two is definitely different from one -- and not in a bad way other than there not being enough hours in the day to devote a whole lot of one-on-one time with my D-Sco right now. But he doesn't seem to mind too much. And when he does, I try to stop whatever it is I'm doing so I can focus on his needs. A lot of the time, I'm in the middle of folding clothes or unloading the dishwasher -- both of which I will happily abandon in favor of more time with my big boy.

As I've said before, I'm convinced my purpose on this Earth is to be a mother. And although I couldn't be a SAHM to my kiddos at this age, I'm grateful to have the option of working while sending them to a daycare where they are both loved and are taught new things daily. I have truly enjoyed these last 3.5 years of being a mother and I love getting to know my boys better and better with each passing day. Being a Mama is so bittersweet, but as long as the sweet outweighs the bitter, I am ok with that.

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