Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday -- You Have Gestational Diabetes!

As of Thursday, I'm officially the big 28. As of Thursday, I was also diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Earlier in the week, on Tuesday, I went to have m 3-hour Glucose Tolerance Test I mentioned in my last post. With 3GTT, you have your finger pricked when you first arrive at the doctor's office to have your fasting blood sugar reading taken. Mine was 83 -- less than 90 is good. Then, they make you drink twice as much of the thick, sugary drink as you have to with the 1-hour test. An hour later, they prick your finger again for the 1-hour reading. Mine was 222 -- less than 160 is good. Then another hour passes, another finger prick, and my 2 hour reading was 160 -- less than 140 is good. I didn't even have to stay for the last finger prick b/c I'd already failed...again. I was quite upset at first as I'd done very little research on GD prior to the test b/c I just knew that I wouldn't have it; I didn't fit the profile. Well, apparently half of the women who are diagnosed with this (normally) temporary condition do not fit the profile either. GD is one of the more common conditions associated with pregnancy. Basically, your pancreas can't make enough insulin to break down the sugars in your body thus resulting in high blood sugar. I've learned that by my having this condition, my child has a greater likelihood of being overweight and getting Type 2 (Adult-onset) Diabetes later in life. I too now have a greater (20%) chance of becoming diabetic. However, by maintaining an active lifestyle and eating right -- both of which I''ve always pretty much done -- this permanent condition can be avoided.

I met with the doctor on my birthday (after having a small piece of birthday cake with very little icing), and she gave me the news. Basically, I just have to tweak my diet a little bit, quit my coke habit (I was only having one every few days anyway), take my blood sugar 4 times a day -- first thing in the morning and two hours after every meal, and keep a food diary of everything I eat and drink. I also have to incorporate more snacks into my diet, which I was doing on a sporadic basis, but now I have to be more consistent with it -- fruits, peanut butter and crackers, etc.). I started this yesterday and my blood sugar readings have been very good so far. I should only have to do this until the baby arrives, then this condition should go away on its own. However, until then, I'm considered "high-risk" and starting with week 32 of my pregnancy, I'll get to have weekly ultrasounds to monitor the baby's growth to make sure he doesn't get to herculean porportions as having a big baby is one of the potential side effects of GD. :)

Last weekend was Mom's wedding. The church was filled to capacity with well-wishers, family, and friends. Mama and David both seemed very happy and relaxed throughout the whole thing. Rachel, Brad, and I (and our significant others) met David's two boys the night before the ceremony. The apple didn't fall far with either of them as they both seemed every bit as nice and polite as their father. We were able to visit with everyone -- friends, family, people we didn't know -- throughout the afternoon on Saturday, which was nice b/c we rarely get to see a lot of them. We had family come in from Memphis and Houston as well which was nice. Pregnant-brain Sarah forgot the camera, so I didn't take any pictures. As soon as I get my hands on some, though, I'll post them. Jessie, my bff from childhood was there with her baby Olivia, and she posted some pics if you want to see them. We're very happy for Mom and David as they seem to be a pretty good match. Welcome to the family!

That's all for now. I know my posts are long, but since I'll be going to the doctor more often, I'll have more to write about more frequently. For now, I must go get ready for a Southern Living Party at Home at my friend Racheal's house.

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