Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Miserable? Party of One.

I just got in from my weekly doctor's progress.  I'm still at 2 cm and 80% effaced.  However, the big news is that David Scott is weighing in at 6 lbs, 3 oz!  We were very excited to see that he'd gained an appropriate amount of weight since his last measurements two weeks ago.  Dr. G said that if we wanted to, we could start thinking about inducing labor one day next week.  That of course, assumes he doesn't come this weekend.  I've been telling Scotty for several weeks that I think the baby will come around the middle of the month -- like the 14th or 15th.  PLUS, my doctor is on call this weekend and I really want her to deliver my child.  I love my doctor -- she's great and I've been seeing her for a couple of years, and I really don't want one of the other doctors in the practice to deliver him since I don't know them.  I'm sure they do a wonderful job and their patients love them as much as we love Dr. G, but still.  So, if we don't have a baby this weekend, she said we can call on Monday and schedule inducement like for next Wednesday if we want.  Coincidentally, next Wednesday is the b-day of my best friend from childhood (Jessie -- and her twin sister Jenny), so that would be kind of cool.  The alternative is to keep waiting and worst case scenario, end up inducing on my actual due date if nothing happens before then.

Dr. G said she'd expected me to have gone into labor by now and that I could really go any time.  I would really, really like to have this baby without inducing (preferably this weekend), but there are some advantages to planning the birth of our child:  1)  We will both be ready and have things taken care of at our respective jobs.  2) We can ensure that our family will be here in time for the big event since it would be pre-planned as to what time I get admitted to the hospital.  3)  It would be practically guaranteed for Dr. G to deliver David Scott.  The cons:  1)  It's almost too formal -- picking my child's birth day, checking into the hospital at a specified time to have him.  2)  Inducements can take a while to happen, and I really don't want to be in a position where having a c-section is required due to things not moving fast enough.  I mean, I understand that even letting nature take its course, I could still have to have a c-section, but at least then it wouldn't have been b/c of a conscious decision we made to have our child on a certain day to "make things easier" on ourselves.  I don't know.  I hope and pray that he'll come on his own this weekend, and we don't have to make that decision.  Perhaps I'll go walk a few miles at the track for the next few evenings, or try some other remedy to speed things up.  :)

My stats:  BS was great; BP was great.  My weight was back up to 147 -- their scale was back to normal...I knew I hadn't lost any weight (see previous post).  But, since the baby's gained nearly a pound, my stomach feels stretched to the max.  For the most part, I can't feel my ribs and when I can it's b/c I'm in pain from the baby punching or kicking against them.  I hope he doesn't crack a rib.  Seriously.  It happens.  I'm still having Braxton-Hicks contractions; mainly in the evening, but frequently throughout the day.  My feet are starting to swell more if I don't keep them elevated -- one of my coworkers pointed it out this morning.  That's about it.  Perhaps I can talk Scotty into running errands (related to the baby, of course) Friday night.  I need to get a few more things picked up and taken care of before David Scott makes his appearance.  Then, maybe all that running around will get things stirring around on the inside...


  1. everyone says that sex speeds things up!!! not that you are in any way, shape or form wanting to do that!! but, hey, it's an option. and, i vote for inducement on my bday! that'd be awesome!

  2. Hahaha...Jessie...I knew you would make that comment!!
