Friday, December 31, 2010

13 Months...

Not the official 13-month pic, but it'll have to do...

David Scott,
You were 13 months old on the 18th of this month. I'm a little more behind than usual in posting about it b/c hubub around Christmas and from being in North LA over Christmas. That's a whole post in itself, though. For now, you need to know that you are currently:
• unknown inches in length -- maybe half an inch taller than last month, but I haven't measured you yet and I don't want to delay this post any longer
• 22.5 pounds
• still in a size 3 diaper although technically you could wear a 4, but I'm just not ready to move up yet.
• eating only adult food. Occasionally I'll slip in some baby food fruit or a veggie, but applesauce is the only "baby"-ish food you regularly eat.
• saying SO many words: hey, bye, Mama, Dada, Lola, s'that (what's that), there, duck, dog, cow, look, book, uh oh, Boo, David Scott (Da Cot), bubbles
• doing lots of things: waving bye-bye, blowing kisses, shaking your head "no" and "yes," pointing at things -- especially when you want it (juice, snack, etc.). You love giving us hugs (oh wee) and sugar and will come at us open-mouth and all. It's so precious and we obligingly give you as much sugar back as you'll let us.
• slightly more dependent on the paci than you used to be (ugh!)
• bringing us books when you want to read. I think you're going to enjoy reading like a lot of our family does.
• a dancing machine. You love holding our phones while you dance to a song on our iPods. If it wasn't completely ridiculous for you to have your own iTouch/mp3 player, we would have gotten you one for Christmas.
• taking your medicine and/or vitamins like a pro. Sometimes I think your tastebuds don't work b/c some of that is nasty. This includes foods since we make you try everything and there's very little that you spit back out at us. In fact you ate both chips and salsa and guacamole a few weekends ago. Like mother, like son.
• sleeping from 7:30-ish at night until 6:30-ish in the morning
• walking everywhere -- I'd almost say you're exclusively walking.
• throwing mini-fits when you don't get your way or when we take something away from you --like a pen...or the dog bowl...or the toilet water.

Despite that last milestone, Daddy and I are loving every minute with you. It's so amazing to watch you trying to say something one day and then actually saying it the next. We love the early mornings -- even on weekends, we love your stuffy nose and loud-breathing (thanks, allergies). You make us laugh with your facial expressions, your fake cry, your poked out lip, your smooth dancing moves, your slightly flipped-up Bud-Bud big toenail, your endless, open-mouth sugar. We look forward to loving so much more about you.


You have also been feeding yourself (somewhat) the last few days...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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