We've been trying to get our Christmas shopping wrapped up. It's difficult to do anything when a baby's in tow, so I try to get as much done during my lunch breaks as I can every day. However, I finally had to just break down and take DS with me one day after work and then Scotty picked him up after work Thursday and they went home so I could get more accomplished. Needless to say, I can understand why my mom was always so Grinch-like during the holidays. Running here, there, and everywhere every day. I come home exhausted from work and trying to run odds and ends errands and still have domestic stuff to do. I have mountains of laundry that needs my attention, but all I want to do is play and spend time with David Scott. Oh well, the laundry will still be there. The dishes to be unloaded in the diahwaher will still be there. But, DS will never be this age again and we're trying to be more present and in-the-moment when we're with him. He's so much fun and mischevious. AND, today he is 13 months old! I haven't decided if I'll continue to do an official post each month to mark his milestones, but I probably will. Our desktop seems to have some kind of virus so I'm only able to use my phone to post anything which slows me down further and prohibits me from using pics from my camera.
His newest trick: sticking out his tongue.

Anyway, yesterday was DS' Christmas party at daycare. Santa came and brought little toys for each child. He was one of the few who a) would sit on Santa's lap, and b) wouldn't cry and scream. In fact, he seemed to be kind of "into" Santa's beard. I got no pics with my phone, only a few with my camera. David Scott can say, "Ho, ho, ho!" It's so cute. And last night when I was telling Mimi and Mamaw about Santa's visit to daycare, DS just piped up with his, "Ho, ho, ho!" Good timing, little man. Ms. Debbie and Mamaw came in for a quick visit this weekend. They'll be heading back to Monroe this evening, but we're glad we get to spend some quality time with them.
See...not a lot going on. We're looking forward to next week when we get to spend more time with everyone. I'll try to do an official 13-month post for DS later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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