Monday, October 19, 2009

Lola: My POV

Mama is letting me be a guest blogger just this once. I am currently sitting beside her on the couch, trying to figure out what I'm going to say. I'm sitting beside her and not in her lap as I'm prone to doing because she's running out of room. There used to be plenty of room for me to sit wherever I wanted to on her, but her belly has gotten big and I'm now relegated to sitting beside her most of the time, or behind her, which is my second favorite place to be -- really anywhere within the vicinity of my Mom is fine with me. Oh, I know what I can talk about. To start with, Mama and Daddy will not stop talking about this "baby." Well where is it? That's what they've always called my toys -- babies -- as in, "Lola, go get your baby." So where is this new toy? I haven't gotten anything new to play with in a while, so I hope it's something I can drag under their bed. I love taking stuff under there! Q-tips, bottle caps, if I can get it under there, it's mine for the taking.

I hope they're not talking about bringing home another dog. I hate most other dogs. I tolerate the ones at Grandmother's house and at Mimi's or Mamaw's, but I DO NOT want another one in this house. I'm Queen Bee in this household. BUT, I have noticed a big cage in the room that used to be the office. A few weeks back, Mama and Daddy changed up some stuff in the other two rooms -- moving furniture around and bringing in some new stuff. The office is now called the "nursery" or the "baby's room." My cage is small and perfect, just like me. It's the perfect size for somebody of my stature. This other cage is kinda like mine except that it's pretty big and it doesn't have a top on it. Something big's gonna go in there, I just know it. Daddy brought home this big tiger a while back. I'm not too bothered by it because it doesn't move all that much; it pretty much just sits there. For a couple of weeks, Mama had it sitting in the big, no-top cage, but it's on the floor now. Maybe that'll stay in there.

We watched the big box on the wall on Saturday. That's a pretty nifty thing -- the box on the wall. Daddy likes to watch me go crazy when I see other animals on it. Daddy was the one going crazy on Saturday watching people run around chasing after a little ball. He kept screaming, "Go, go, go!" or "Are you kidding me?" Mama kept telling him, "Enjoy it while it lasts. You're not gonna be able to scream like that much longer." I don't quite know what she meant by that. She keeps telling him that about lots of things. Like when we're getting in the bed ready to go to sleep. Daddy usually tries to play with me and get me all riled up right before bed. I usually bark at him because I don't like being disturbed once I'm in the bed. He knows this yet he consistently tries to do this nearly every single night. Mama keeps telling him, "You're not gonna be able to make Lola bark like that in a few more weeks; the baby will be sleeping." He's been antagonizing/playing with me for forever, what's a few more weeks? And now we're back to this "baby"...again.

We've had a few visitors here lately. Uncle Lee is here at this very moment. Grandmother and David came a couple weekends ago. I love having people come stay with us. I only like a handful of people. It takes me a while to get used to new people/things, but once I do, it's for life. So maybe whatever this "baby" is, I'll like it. As long as it's not another dog, I think I'll be okay.

Lola Bean Rainwater

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