This pic was taken at my visit yesterday, and I'm loving these weekly sonograms/ultrasounds Here is your first look at the silhouette of David Scott Rainwater, Jr. AND, in case you didn't know, he will go by David Scott -- the double name. Scotty and I decided on his name a while back but we never could figure out what to call him. As you may be aware, there are a number of Davids already in the family -- my dad (David R. "Bud"), my brother (David B. "Brad"), a cousin and his son, my grandfather and great-grandfather, my step-father David A. and on Scotty's side, we have Scottty -- David Scott, obviously -- his grandfather (David B. aka Papaw to us), his uncle (David B. "Davey"), another uncle David M. (Mike), and I'm sure I'm leaving out someone, but you get the idea. We have a LOT of Davids already in the fam. And then there's the Scott part. Although most everyone refers to my hubby as Scott, I've always called him Scotty and always will. He wanted me to start calling him "Scott" and we'd call the baby "Scotty." I refused. And that's how we finally arrived at calling him David Scott. In fact, I'm starting to believe I really do have a little genius inside me b/c as I was telling my sister of our decision a few weeks back, the baby kicked me as I said his name. So I said "David Scott" again. And again, he kicked me. I thought I'd be pushing my luck with a third time, but I tried it again, and I was right. No acknowledgment that time. BUT, two out of three ain't bad...PLUS he had never acknowledged me talking before, so I was pretty impressed with that.
Not too much happened at my doctor's appointment yesterday. I've gained 18 lbs., BS and BP were both good, no swelling (yet). Baby's HB was at 144 bpm. I asked Dr. G how big she was expecting the baby to be once he's born. If I go to my due date (November 24th), she anticipates an 8-lb baby. Holy cow! I was NOT expecting that. 6.5 or 7 pounds, yeah, I was totally expecting that. Not 8 pounds. Although both Scotty and Lee were 8-lb babies according to my MIL; all three of us were in the 7-lb range. Oh well, as long as he's not 19-lbs like that kid from Indonesia, I will be fine. My doctor did tell me that she would not let me go past my due date b/c of my being high risk with the GD. Babies whose mothers have GD tend to be bigger babies and are at higher risk for injuries at birth. Apparently, shoulder dysplasia and clavicle injuries are more prevalent in these babies. So, it looks like we'll have a little turkey of our very own just in time for Thanksgiving! Excited doesn't begin to describe what we're feeling leading up to this special time.
This past weekend several of my friends in North LA hosted a shower for me. We had a great turnout and had a wonderful time catching up with everybody. We're so lucky to have such great friends and family -- even those of you who couldn't make it. :) But it's still kind of overwhelming to look over my list of "things we still need to take care of this kid." The pic below is me with my fabulous hostesses -- Rachel, Betsey, Baby Mama, Jessie, Courtney, and Racheal.

I go back for another sonogram next Wednesday, so hopefully we'll get more pics of David Scott at that visit. In two weeks, I'll get "checked" to see if I've dilated any. Dr. G said that after that visit, she'll be happy for me to "go" at any time. Luckily for me, Mom and David are coming back in this weekend and Mama and I will be running around town picking up a few more items to get us a little more prepared in the event that the baby comes earlier than expected. So much to do...so little time!
Not too much happened at my doctor's appointment yesterday. I've gained 18 lbs., BS and BP were both good, no swelling (yet). Baby's HB was at 144 bpm. I asked Dr. G how big she was expecting the baby to be once he's born. If I go to my due date (November 24th), she anticipates an 8-lb baby. Holy cow! I was NOT expecting that. 6.5 or 7 pounds, yeah, I was totally expecting that. Not 8 pounds. Although both Scotty and Lee were 8-lb babies according to my MIL; all three of us were in the 7-lb range. Oh well, as long as he's not 19-lbs like that kid from Indonesia, I will be fine. My doctor did tell me that she would not let me go past my due date b/c of my being high risk with the GD. Babies whose mothers have GD tend to be bigger babies and are at higher risk for injuries at birth. Apparently, shoulder dysplasia and clavicle injuries are more prevalent in these babies. So, it looks like we'll have a little turkey of our very own just in time for Thanksgiving! Excited doesn't begin to describe what we're feeling leading up to this special time.
This past weekend several of my friends in North LA hosted a shower for me. We had a great turnout and had a wonderful time catching up with everybody. We're so lucky to have such great friends and family -- even those of you who couldn't make it. :) But it's still kind of overwhelming to look over my list of "things we still need to take care of this kid." The pic below is me with my fabulous hostesses -- Rachel, Betsey, Baby Mama, Jessie, Courtney, and Racheal.
I go back for another sonogram next Wednesday, so hopefully we'll get more pics of David Scott at that visit. In two weeks, I'll get "checked" to see if I've dilated any. Dr. G said that after that visit, she'll be happy for me to "go" at any time. Luckily for me, Mom and David are coming back in this weekend and Mama and I will be running around town picking up a few more items to get us a little more prepared in the event that the baby comes earlier than expected. So much to do...so little time!
I LOVE the silhouette. It's amazing. It truly is a miracle that this baby formed from two tiny cells joining together. I think people forget how miracalous it is just because it's such a common occurence.