Well, this is me earlier this evening. I went to the doctor yesterday and was too busy catching up with my cousin (Meredith) who was in from Memphis that I didn't have any time to update last night. Anyway, my visit with Dr. G was exciting. Not only was my mom here to experience it with me, but there's been a slight change in my pregnancy. Namely, I am already starting to dilate! Yes, I realize that I could be this way for several weeks without much progress since my due date is about a month from now. However...holy cow! This baby is coming! The visit started with the usual ultrasound/sonogram. Scotty was able to leave his office for a bit to come do that. David Scott didn't show out too much, but he was doing everything he was supposed to be. This u/s was just to make sure he was moving, and going through the motions (like "breathing" or practicing breathing, anyway). He passed with flying colors, naturally. He's assuming the position (head down), and was showing us how flexible he was. For part of the u/s, he had one foot kind of across my belly and the other one, he had it kind of by his head. Again, Scotty commented on him being a ninja, or maybe that was me, but whatever. DS wouldn't give us any good pictures (again), but hopefully he will next week.
After the u/s, we waited to see my doctor. She was running a little behind, so Scotty went back to work. That will be the last doctor's appointment he misses (pre-baby anyway). I had my list of questions (as usual) and then I got "checked." I'll leave out the details of that, but suffice it to say, Dr. G informed me that I was already 1 cm dilated. I think Mama thought I was going to pass out when Dr. G told me this. In some weird way, I was kind of expecting this, but in another, I totally was not. I still have a ton of stuff to get done before this baby comes. Two of which are to pack my bag and have Scotty install the car seat, which my doc told me to go ahead and take care of this weekend. At this point, I really don't need to have the baby b/c he'd be considered a premie. So she recommended for me to take it easy and to slow down even more if my contractions, which are currently sporadic -- not consistent or regular at all, became regular. However, anytime after the next 10 or so days, if I'm experiencing regular contractions, she said for me to start walking around, which would speed things up a little more as he'd be considered full-term at that point. Geez Louise! But, she also said that things may not progress and in a few weeks, we might have to talk about inducing me. I am a-ok with this baby not coming for a few more weeks, although I'm starting to experience some moments of uncomfortableness, it's nothing I can't handle. PLUS, Scotty is supposed to go out of town on an overnight business trip in early Nov. With this being the busiest time of year at my office, the longer I can be there and take care of my clients, the less my coworkers have to take on in my absence. Not to mention, the longer I am working, the greater likelihood that I'd be able to take 8 weeks off after DS' birth b/c my vacation and sick days start again in January. A ridiculous reason to want him to wait, but I don't care. I'm sure there've been more ridiculous reasons that mothers-to-be have had in wanting their child to be born at a particular point in time.
My stats during the visit: BP was good, BS is good and I've been testing it every other day, have I told you that already? Yep, my doc has me on an every other day testing schedule b/c my numbers are so consistent -- more on that in a minute. My feet and ankles are starting to swell ever so slightly, but I'm not to the point where I have cankles...yet. And, I've lost a pound since my last visit -- so back to 17 lbs in total baby weight gain. Yipee! So back to the BS. One of my questions for Dr. G was how soon after I have the baby can I have a coke, as it pertains to the GD. #1, she said I could be having a few sips right now if I wanted some. However, I've been coke-free for nearly two months (since being diagnosed) and will continue my "sobriety" until at least 5 minutes after the baby is born. After that, any coke within a 5 mile radius is fair game! And, #2, she said she thought my GD diagnosis was a fluke. My numbers have been too consistent and too good for GD. She thinks I was just tested on a bad day. Hmmm...I think I've said that same thing, or something similar before. It's good to know, though, that my doctor has the same sentiment concerning this that I do. And, if nothing else has come of this, I have avoided pigging out, and will continue to do so, which has attributed to the small amount of weight gain here lately...that and great genes -- thanks, Mama!
So that puts me at right now. Currently, I have one hard little booty perched right at my sternum -- I think that's where your ribs meet -- and I've got to get him to change positions b/c it's beginning to be uncomfortable. I'm probably going to go take a nice, relaxing bath and continue reading one of my baby-related books, while simultaneously making a list of all the little things that need to get done. One by one, I'll cross them off and if this baby comes sooner rather than later, well, somebody else will have to do some of the dirty work for me.
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