Wednesday, December 30, 2009
We spent the week surrounding Christmas in North LA traveling between Scotty's family in Monroe and my family in Ruston/Winnsboro. David Scott adapted well to being in a variety of environments with different people and family passing him back and forth. Scotty and I both have traditions with our families that we don't want to break away from. My family has always spent several hours around lunchime on Christmas Eve down at Sue Sue's house; she raised all three of us Anders children, so she and her family are like family to us. We traditionally have a semi-formal-ish (eating on our fine china) Christmas Day lunch with my family (this year it was at my sister's house). Scotty's family has always had a fun get together Christmas Eve evening, which in recent years, has been at his mom's house. On Christmas morning, the Wrights/Rainwaters have always had a pancake breakfast. Food and fellowship -- why would we want to give up the opportunity to do either of these things! So this year, it got me thinking about what traditions Scotty and I could start with our own children now that we have little David Scott. For the forseeable future, we intend on continuing Christmas in North LA, but at some point, I'm sure we'll begin having our own Christmas at our own home. The first year we were married, Scotty and I went to a Christmas tree farm near our house. That was fun, but the thrill was kind of lost with it just being the two of us. So for the last three Christmases, we've gotten our trees from Lowe's or Home Depot. I think, however, that we will bring back the Christmas tree farm experience next year and let that be our little tradition for "our" family. What Christmas traditions do you have? My mom lamented this year that she wished we'd been taking an annual family Christmas pic. So this year, we set the timer and captured DS' first Christmas in a picture, family style:
We also took several photos with Scotty's family, but I haven't received those yet from my mother-in-law. I'll post those asap. And, yes, my child IS making an awful face in the family photo. However, I thought it would be hilarious to look back at these pics and see the look on his face. PLUS, how do you get a newborn to smile at precisely the right moment when the photo is being taken with a timer...
Finally, David Scott is 6 weeks old today. He's getting stronger and bigger with each day that passes. We are thoroughly enjoying every day we spend with our little boy. Here's a picture I took earlier today. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Standing Tall!
Yes -- it's 5-week-old David Scott standing on our couch...all by himself. He'd been "jumping" up and down on Scotty and so he (Scotty) decided to see what would happen if he stood the baby up. And he stayed long enough for me to capture it for posterity. Shocked? Yes! So were we when he actually stayed standing up for 5-10 seconds. Twice. Yep.
Also, DS is being more awake during the day. This is a relatively new development that's been taking place over the last week or so. Yesterday, he managed to stay awake from about 5:30 until about midnight. He drifted in and out of sleep for about an hour or so including part of the time when my friend Racheal was visiting with us. He absolutely would not go to sleep and stay that way. After the Saints game, about 11:00, I decided that we should take a bath as it typically relaxes him and I hoped would put him in an attitude of sleepiness. What it did was make him poop. In the tub. While we were soaking. Yuck! Drain the tub. Refill it. And he pooped in it...again. While we were soaking. So we rinsed off and got out. So much for our relaxing bath. My end goal did work and David Scott finally drifted off to sleep just before midnight.
Our weekend has been realtively uneventful except for the above-mentioned items. Our Christmas shopping is done. Scotty took Lee with him to the Saints/Cowboys game last night. Our Saints have had a great season so far, last night just didn't go in our favor. We didn't play well and the 'Boys defense brought their "A" game. We cheered for our team til the end and will continue to pull for them. Although I won't be able to go to the Superbowl if the Saints end up there, Scotty will get to go, so we're pulling for them. He'll be excited when he can cross "watching the Saints play in the Superbowl" off his Bucket List. And DS and I will again cheer them on from the comfort of our couch. Maybe DS will have mastered the "touchdown" sign by then. Perhaps we'll work on that move next week...
Friday, December 18, 2009
1 Month Old!
David Scott, you've changed so much in just 30 days. Every single day, it seems like you're working on mastering some part of a "task."
- You are now able to hold on (occasionally) to your paci (the pacifier), which you are indifferent to most of the time. You want it when you want it and when you don't, you spit it out or throw it. Obviously, you probably don't understand your actions at this point in your young life, but it's still funny to watch you do things.
- Twice in the last two weeks we've seen you roll over. TWICE!
- You seem to be drawn to the color red and your eyes immeidately go towards our red roman shade on the back door or to the Christmas tree (not red, but pretty when its white lights are lit up) when you're with us in the living room.
- You are very strong and have amazing head control as well as a strong grip when you hold on to our fingers. You like holding my finger when you nurse. Speaking of which...
- You seem to have a pretty big appetite -- eating for about 25 minutes every 3 or so hours during the day although you've gone up to 5 hours a few times at night.
- You can sleep through almost anything -- the vacuum cleaner, Lola barking, Daddy yelling at the tv when his team is playing -- although you do hear what's going on as evidenced by your reaction ("jumping") to a new sound.
- You hate having your diaper and your clothes changed. I think it's because you don't like being vulnerable. Don't worry about it -- nobody likes changing clothes in front of another person. However...
- You love taking a bath. It instantly chills you out if you're upset and generally seems to make you more relaxed. I hope this means you'll like the water as you get older as there will be many opportunities for swimming and beach trips in the future.
- You are a very expressive and alert baby; again, you arrived that way. I love watching your facial expressions as you drift off to sleep. You go from a gummy, toothless smile, to furrowing your brow, to poking out your bottom lip and looking upset, then back to get the picture. You've also smiled back at me when I've been smiling at you several times...I don't even care that it's probably caused by a gas bubble passing through your system -- I love your smiles whatever the reason. I could look at you for hours.
- You are a good baby. We've been running errands most of this week, including going to my office's Christmas party today, and you seem to be able to adjust to different surroundings whether it's a restaurant, store, or being passed around by my co-workers. You typically cry b/c you're getting hungry, have a dirty diaper, or are tired.
P.S. We went this week to have your very first picture with Santa. You were an angel and slept through the event.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Here's a pic of our little boy. This was taken after he'd had a bath due to a couple of wat we'll refer to as simultaneous excretory explosions. He was pretty well-behaved as we were bathing him, but then he got kind of quiet afterward. Take a look -- it's almost like he's pouting:
That was on Saturday. Later that day, we decided it would be cute to take a few candid shots of DS in one of his Christmas outfits. Here's a teaser from those -- we'll have more to post once it gets closer to Christmas:
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Two Weeks Old and The First Holiday
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The first week...
Due to the aforementioned jaundice, we've been having to go to the lab every other day since Saturday to get his bilirubin level checked. Last Saturday, he was a total angel and didn't seem to be bothered one bit by the prick and multiple squeezes to extract blood from his heel. So I assumed that Monday would be the same thing -- why not -- he's a pretty easygoing baby. WRONG! First of all, the waiting room was full of people -- one big germ exposure. Lovely. It was past feeding time for David Scott when they finally called us back. Once we got to the room, I was going to hurry up and feed him, but then we realized that the baby's diaper was dirty. We were about to change it when the technician came in, so we held off just in case he got upset enough to make another deposit. So dirty baby + hungry baby = fussy/crying baby --> leaky Mama (sorry if that's TMI -- you should know by now that I'm an over-sharer of information). Needless to say, he was not happy with having his heel pricked and blood collected. Once the tech was done, we continued to change his diaper -- he's still unfed at this point and about an hour past his normal eating time. As we were changing the dirty diaper, DS went #1 on himself and the changing table. Great. Now we have to change his clothes on top of everything else. Wonderful. But finally (!) we get the diaper changed, a clean outfit, and we're off to the car to feed the baby in the privacy of my tinted windows in the darkened parking garage. Shortly thereafter, we get the call from the doctor's office and we're told we have to go back for another test on Wednesday, which was today. We had to be there early b/c David Scott's first pediatrician's appointment was mid-morning and we had to be sure she rec'd the results in time for his appointment.
So this morning, off we go to the lab for another heel stick/blood collection -- DS, Grandmother (who's now decided she wants to be called Grandma), and myself. Once again, he was a total angel and didn't even whimper. We get to the doctor's office and she tells us that his bili-levels are good and we no longer have to have the lab work. Evidently things are now A-OK. Yay! Additionally, we found out that DS has gained a few ounces and shrunk an inch from his birth and is perfect (but we knew that already, but it was nice to have a professional back that up). From what I understand, most babies lose weight after birth. Not DS; he gained weight. And the "shrinkage" (Scotty will love that terminology!) was due to his head returning to a normal, non-cone-shaped size shortly after he was born. Dr. Kelleher, his pediatrician, told us in the hospital that he would be a little shorter at his first visit so we were expecting that. We have to go back next week for his 2-week check-up; Mimi will be here to go with us for that one.
Oh, BTW, I've had several people ask me how Lola's adjusting to David Scott. As many of you who know Lola, know that she's not the most friendly chihuahua ever (that is an understatement). However, she's adjusting better than we really expected her to. She was kind of wary of "the intruder" the first day or two. However, she's warming up to him to the extent we caught her licking on his feet on Monday night; it was quite funny. She normally doesn't lick anything except Scotty's hand ("It soothes her."), which makes me want to gag as I hate dog-lick, but because it was the baby's foot, we thought it was extra cute. We got it on video camera but I don't know how to upload the video on the blog, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
Although we haven't been home for a week just yet, I think things have gone pretty well. We're adjusting to life with an infant -- you know, the late-night/early-morning feedings, numerous-clothing changes, and the endless diaper changes. Tomorrow, we're looking forward to spending our very first holiday as an official family along with my sister, mom, and step-father. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday and this year we have something, or someone rather, to be especially thankful for. Until next time...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
3:15 a.m. - Wake up after a decent night's sleep. I thought I would not sleep at all but I guess that my body knew I'd better rest up for the events of the day.
4:10 a.m. - We leave our house. Scotty and I discussed how excited we both were to meet our little guy and how calm (not nervous) we both felt about everything. I guess going to the hospital under happy/good circumstances tends to calm the nerves a little. Scotty would probably say that his ice water veins have finally rubbed off on me after 12.5 years of togetherness.
4:30 a.m. - Arrive at hospital to check in for the Big Day.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
David Scott's Birth Day Eve!
Yesterday I was nervous; today, I'm excited! Although everyone is telling me to be sure I get a good night's rest tonight, I feel like sleep is going to elude me tonight. I think it's going to be a mixture of the nights before the first day of school, Christmas, and vacation. Dr. G told me I could take a Tylenol PM to help me sleep, but I'm concerned that I'll be groggy in the morning. I'm already feeling kind of sleepy, so I think I'll avoid taking a nap and just try and go to bed early tonight. OH! Big news! Scotty just walked in with a camcorder! It's super cool and he is currently trying to take a crash course in "things he needs to know" about it. I am currently sitting on the couch contempleating what my next move is going to be...
Scotty may be making the next blog update, especially if I am unable to blog as things happen. We've both been looking forward to his one post that will be dedicated to his hopes and dreams for our son. I can't wait to meet this little guy who's been growing inside me for the last 39 weeks and who was destined to be ours long before we knew about him. Happy Birth Day Eve, David Scott! Mama and Daddy can't wait to hold you in our arms and spend the rest of our lives with you!
Monday, November 16, 2009
T - 48 hours and counting...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Miserable? Party of One.
Dr. G said she'd expected me to have gone into labor by now and that I could really go any time. I would really, really like to have this baby without inducing (preferably this weekend), but there are some advantages to planning the birth of our child: 1) We will both be ready and have things taken care of at our respective jobs. 2) We can ensure that our family will be here in time for the big event since it would be pre-planned as to what time I get admitted to the hospital. 3) It would be practically guaranteed for Dr. G to deliver David Scott. The cons: 1) It's almost too formal -- picking my child's birth day, checking into the hospital at a specified time to have him. 2) Inducements can take a while to happen, and I really don't want to be in a position where having a c-section is required due to things not moving fast enough. I mean, I understand that even letting nature take its course, I could still have to have a c-section, but at least then it wouldn't have been b/c of a conscious decision we made to have our child on a certain day to "make things easier" on ourselves. I don't know. I hope and pray that he'll come on his own this weekend, and we don't have to make that decision. Perhaps I'll go walk a few miles at the track for the next few evenings, or try some other remedy to speed things up. :)
My stats: BS was great; BP was great. My weight was back up to 147 -- their scale was back to normal...I knew I hadn't lost any weight (see previous post). But, since the baby's gained nearly a pound, my stomach feels stretched to the max. For the most part, I can't feel my ribs and when I can it's b/c I'm in pain from the baby punching or kicking against them. I hope he doesn't crack a rib. Seriously. It happens. I'm still having Braxton-Hicks contractions; mainly in the evening, but frequently throughout the day. My feet are starting to swell more if I don't keep them elevated -- one of my coworkers pointed it out this morning. That's about it. Perhaps I can talk Scotty into running errands (related to the baby, of course) Friday night. I need to get a few more things picked up and taken care of before David Scott makes his appearance. Then, maybe all that running around will get things stirring around on the inside...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The time is coming...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Lazy Weekend
I've found a new obsession -- Etsy. It's a website, kind of like Ebay, but with custom stuff, handmade items, etc. You can find everything from burp cloths to furniture to artwork. Speaking of art, Rachel is having a giveaway for a holiday canvas. Check out the link or go to her blog, leave a comment and get yourself registered for her giveaway on Wednesday. And tell your friends as well. She's been very busy getting ready for selling her stuff at a booth in Cedar Town (a Ruston thing coming up in a few weeks), but she'd love to be even busier with her art. She also has a site on Etsy. I've literally spent hours on this site this weekend looking at all the stuff you can buy. I'm considering several cute burp cloth designs, but with several thousand to look at, it's taking me a while to get through them all, just in case I see something I like better than the ones I'm currently liking.
Sorry for the uneventful post, although, for the time being, I guess I prefer uneventful. I'll go back to the doctor on Wednesday, so we'll see if there's been any change in my stats, although I'm not expecting there to be. Fingers crossed for no progress. :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
WOW! Week 35...

Monday, October 19, 2009
Lola: My POV
I hope they're not talking about bringing home another dog. I hate most other dogs. I tolerate the ones at Grandmother's house and at Mimi's or Mamaw's, but I DO NOT want another one in this house. I'm Queen Bee in this household. BUT, I have noticed a big cage in the room that used to be the office. A few weeks back, Mama and Daddy changed up some stuff in the other two rooms -- moving furniture around and bringing in some new stuff. The office is now called the "nursery" or the "baby's room." My cage is small and perfect, just like me. It's the perfect size for somebody of my stature. This other cage is kinda like mine except that it's pretty big and it doesn't have a top on it. Something big's gonna go in there, I just know it. Daddy brought home this big tiger a while back. I'm not too bothered by it because it doesn't move all that much; it pretty much just sits there. For a couple of weeks, Mama had it sitting in the big, no-top cage, but it's on the floor now. Maybe that'll stay in there.
We watched the big box on the wall on Saturday. That's a pretty nifty thing -- the box on the wall. Daddy likes to watch me go crazy when I see other animals on it. Daddy was the one going crazy on Saturday watching people run around chasing after a little ball. He kept screaming, "Go, go, go!" or "Are you kidding me?" Mama kept telling him, "Enjoy it while it lasts. You're not gonna be able to scream like that much longer." I don't quite know what she meant by that. She keeps telling him that about lots of things. Like when we're getting in the bed ready to go to sleep. Daddy usually tries to play with me and get me all riled up right before bed. I usually bark at him because I don't like being disturbed once I'm in the bed. He knows this yet he consistently tries to do this nearly every single night. Mama keeps telling him, "You're not gonna be able to make Lola bark like that in a few more weeks; the baby will be sleeping." He's been antagonizing/playing with me for forever, what's a few more weeks? And now we're back to this "baby"...again.
We've had a few visitors here lately. Uncle Lee is here at this very moment. Grandmother and David came a couple weekends ago. I love having people come stay with us. I only like a handful of people. It takes me a while to get used to new people/things, but once I do, it's for life. So maybe whatever this "baby" is, I'll like it. As long as it's not another dog, I think I'll be okay.
Lola Bean Rainwater
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
T - 6 weeks and counting...
Mama and David came in town this past weekend. While Scotty was getting ready for the LSU-FL game and David was taking a test, Mama and I rode around town picking up some must-have baby things. I feel better prepared just in case the little booger decides to come early. I'm sure I'll spend the next few weekends doing the same thing, picking up a few items here and there. I don't know that you can ever have enough "stuff" when it comes to being totally prepared for having a kid.
Is it weird that I feel oddly calm about bringing this baby home? I mean, you're probably reading this and thinking, "How naive Sarah is," especially if you've already had kids yourself. But seriously, I've had many years of hands-on baby care starting with my brother Brad who was born when I was 7, and continuing through college when I kept my Leslie (part of my extended family) for a summer. It's just kind of strange. I think most soon-to-be-mothers -- especially those who are first-timers like me -- are probably a little freaked out about being responsible for a child for the rest of their lives and nervous/anxious about actually taking care of it. I'm just really confident in my abilities to raise a child. I know it's not always going to be easy -- nothing that's worth it ever is. But I do know that this is going to be a fun adventure that we're about to embark on...and I can't wait!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
David Scott

Not too much happened at my doctor's appointment yesterday. I've gained 18 lbs., BS and BP were both good, no swelling (yet). Baby's HB was at 144 bpm. I asked Dr. G how big she was expecting the baby to be once he's born. If I go to my due date (November 24th), she anticipates an 8-lb baby. Holy cow! I was NOT expecting that. 6.5 or 7 pounds, yeah, I was totally expecting that. Not 8 pounds. Although both Scotty and Lee were 8-lb babies according to my MIL; all three of us were in the 7-lb range. Oh well, as long as he's not 19-lbs like that kid from Indonesia, I will be fine. My doctor did tell me that she would not let me go past my due date b/c of my being high risk with the GD. Babies whose mothers have GD tend to be bigger babies and are at higher risk for injuries at birth. Apparently, shoulder dysplasia and clavicle injuries are more prevalent in these babies. So, it looks like we'll have a little turkey of our very own just in time for Thanksgiving! Excited doesn't begin to describe what we're feeling leading up to this special time.
This past weekend several of my friends in North LA hosted a shower for me. We had a great turnout and had a wonderful time catching up with everybody. We're so lucky to have such great friends and family -- even those of you who couldn't make it. :) But it's still kind of overwhelming to look over my list of "things we still need to take care of this kid." The pic below is me with my fabulous hostesses -- Rachel, Betsey, Baby Mama, Jessie, Courtney, and Racheal.
I go back for another sonogram next Wednesday, so hopefully we'll get more pics of David Scott at that visit. In two weeks, I'll get "checked" to see if I've dilated any. Dr. G said that after that visit, she'll be happy for me to "go" at any time. Luckily for me, Mom and David are coming back in this weekend and Mama and I will be running around town picking up a few more items to get us a little more prepared in the event that the baby comes earlier than expected. So much to little time!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Week 32...
BTW, I don't really think he knows about "thumbs up" or "peace" just yet. I'm sure he was just about to suck his thumb or on his hand since that was part of the reason that it took us so long to get a decent facial picture of him -- he kept his hands too close to his face. But, it is funny to think about him communicating via sign language already. OR, maybe he's just a genius! I think I like that. Well, that's about it. I'll go back to the doc for another u/s and visit next Wednesday.
OH -- and this is big -- I found out from my boss, who is trying to help ensure us a spot in the daycare we want, that we're in the top 10 and that they're expecting 4-5 infant spots to become open in January/February. We may be #2 on that list, or #5, or #10. I don't care. I just hope and pray -- and I ask you to do the same -- that we get in this daycare when we need to. They are one of the best in BR. It's convenient to my office and Scotty's. I half-jokingly told my boss that if we didn't get in that I would be bringing my baby to work until we had a spot available at this particular daycare. We should know more in November or December at the latest. I'm just going to have faith that we will continue to be smiled upon and that things will work out. I've always done that and don't intend to stop anytime soon.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Week 31 -- and counting...

Baby bed with current occupant -- the tiger. My giraffe room theme is now becoming more of an animal/jungle theme courtesy of Scotty who couldn't resist this at the store.
The curtains -- love these!
The dresser (with a bunch of "stuff" on it), the rocking chair/glider which we had recovered to go with our motif, and Lola who still doesn't know what to make of all of these new things.
That's about it for now. If someone could please tell me how to center my picture commentary underneath my picture, that would be great. I can't seem to figure out how to do it without changing the alignment of the entire post. More info to come after next week's visit. Possibly even an updated belly pic before then!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Busy Weekend
As soon as I found the bedding I wanted to use giraffe-print with blue, I knew that was "the one" kind of like most decisions I make...when something's right, you just know it. Same thing with the baby bed and dresser. Yes, I went back and forth between two different sets, but it was strictly from a financial perspective that I did so. I actually let Scotty make the final call when he went to pay/pick up the furniture. He picked our original choice, which I was 100% in favor of. Yes, it was the slightly more expensive choice than my Plan B, but it was so classy and versatile, that we really had no choice. Sorry, you'll have to wait a few more days for pics of the furniture b/c I'm too tired (or in this case, lazy) to get up and go to the other computer which has all of our pictures on it to upload any on this post. But I digress. For the past couple of weeks, Scotty and I have been cleaning out closets and getting more organized in preparation for our upcoming bundle of joy. This weekend, we were able to move the desk and such from the office (now baby room) into the extra bedroom which we also did some rearranging in. Then, we moved around the furniture in Baby Rain's room...well, Scotty did -- I just supervised for the most part. And let me tell you, supervising can be tiring. Not nearly as exhausting as moving around the furniture in the extra bedroom (twice) and then in the baby's room, but tiring nonetheless. Once the nursery is a little more "complete," I'll post pics of it. We don't have anything on the walls just yet (see previous posts), but I have no doubt that we will in the very near future. THEN, I'll post some pics.
We had a couple of visitors over the weekend. On Saturday, Racheal (Evans) Bellemin came all the way over from Port Allen (about 10 miles outside BR in the opposite direction of our house) just to see us and check out our progress. Lola loves Rach as she and I were roommates when I adopted The Bean, AND she was the one who started calling Lola "Bean." So needless to say, Lola was ecstatic with our visitor. Then Lauri, one of my coworkers who lives a mile away, came by with her little girl. Lola was less than thrilled with this set of visitors, but it's only b/c she doesn't "know" them well enough. However, she will be excited tomorrow night when her Grandmother arrives. Mama and David have to come down to BR so she can get some education on Tuesday, so they'll be coming to our abode tomorrow evening.
I have to go back to the doctor on Thursday and will make another post then. I'll be sure to post the pics of the bed and dresser sans giraffe-print decor. I know you can hardly contain yourself. :)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Website update
Sunday, September 13, 2009
29 weeks...

The Anders Family
We still have our season tickets for the Saints. So Baby Rain attended his first NFL football game today. It's never rained on us for any Saints game ever. However, that was not the case today. Even though I happened to have my umbrella with me, we still got drenched. Once we made it into the game, our blue jeans were soaked to about mid-calf level, our hair was wet, and it's a good thing I wasn't wearing a white t-shirt b/c it was soaked too. I can't fit into my regular Saints attire (a child's large jersey), so I improvised with a stretchy/kinda tight black shirt with black and gold beads. This was probably going to be the only Saints game I go to this season unless we change our minds, otherwise, I would've just gotten another shirt. Anyway, here's a pic of Scotty and me from after the game: